♡ Chapter 3. ♡

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Eventually, Steven and (Y/n) came back to the beach house. Each of them holding gems. They put down the gems on the table. Steven sat down on the couch, who was beside. And (Y/n) sat on the opposite side, on the floor.
Steven lift his hand on his mouth, watching the gems. Before, (Y/n) took their favorite [food/candy/fruit]. They asked Steven if he wanted some, but he politely neglect. Soon, they heard loud foot steps from the outside climbing up upstairs. The door opened revealing Greg, the two's dad. The young adult looked up at him.

"Steven! (Y/n)!" He ran towards them, "I came fast as I could!"

"Are you two okay?" He asked, then looked at the table where were the gems. "Holy shhhhe really got everybody."

"She did" (Y/n) said, while their mouth was full of [food/candy/fruit]. 

"Is that her?"

"Yeah" Steven answered.

"Who is she?"

"No idea"


"No idea"


(Y/n) began to speak, "She hit all of them..."

Steven reached in his pocket, showing the mysterious Gem's weapon,
"With this" he clicked the button, activating the weapon. When Greg saw it, he screamed. Quickly Steven turned it off.

"It did something extra to me, now my powers aren't working right. Look" Steven summoned his weapon, or shield. It wasn't like it was, the shield was glitching.

"There's something wrong with me, dad..." he lifted his shirt, revealing his gem. In the middle, the gem was glowing a light pink color as before.

Steven sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I just have no idea what's going on..."

Greg his hand on Steven's shoulder, "Well son, now you know how I feel almost all the time. But you know what else? Every moment the Gems are gonna do that thing, where they glow and float in the air and reappear better than ever." he lifted Pearl's gem in his hands. Then Pearl's gem glowed, and floated in the sky.

"See. There she comes! Go on, Pearl!"

Around the gem created a light blue shell, "Well, that's new"

"Please interview yourself" the voice of Pearl said.

"Um-Greg Universe?"

"Greetings, Um-Greg Universe. Please stay preferred customization options."

"Um... what am I supposed to say here?" He mumbled to (Y/n) and Steven.

"I-I don't know" Steven answered. (Y/n) wanted to answer, but they were confused. They lived with the Gems all these years, this never happened.

"Default settings, selected.
Please stay by."  The shell along with the gem, floated to the centre of room. It lowered a bit, and the shell opened. Pearl came out of it, but she wasn't in her regular outfit. She was in her Diamond service outfit. She wore that, when she was serving Pink Diamond or Rose.

The three of them stood up, making a few steps. A moment of silence, until Steven and (Y/n) yelled, "Pearl!"

Steven ran to her with a smile on his face, "Thank goodness, your back"

Pearl stared at him, then she just walk by without saying a word, "Pearl?"

She walked in front of Greg, then she began to sing, 🎵"How do you do?"🎵 She gracious bowed.

🎶"My Um-Greg Universe"🎶 she looked up, back at him, 🎵"Thank you for bringing me into the world"🎵 Pearl held his hand in her hands.

(Y/n) came by Steven "What's with her?" They mouthed.

"I don't know" he mouthed back.

Pearl kneeled down, 🎶"I am at your eternal service."🎶 Steven walked beside Greg,
🎵"Welcome to your new Pearl"🎵

"What's going on?" Steven and Greg said together, while looking at each other.

"Could her gem be cracked?"

Steven came closer, "It looks fine by me" he shrugged his shoulders.
And in that moment Ruby started to emerge. Her gem floated, and she came back doing the diamond salute.

"Ruby! Are you okay?" (Y/n) asked and walked closer to the table where the Gem was standing.

Ruby leaned back, "Ah! Who are you? Your not my assignment!" She looked around.

"I could really use an explanation here" Greg scratched his head.

(Y/n) sighed, "You're not alone!"

Pearl raised her index finger and said, 🎶"Allow me to illuminate! A Ruby guard"🎶
She waved her hand up and down Ruby.
🎵"But just a single one. They tend to come in teams off three or more!"🎵 She used her gem to make hologram of three Rubies.

After she sang that, Sapphire's gem started glowing. Causing Ruby to move her leg.

🎶"A precious sapphire, she sees the future."🎶 Pearl put her hand next to her mouth, winking.
🎵"That's who the Rubys for."🎵 She placed her hand on her hip.

"My Sapphire!" Ruby made the diamond salute with her hands.
"As my sworn duty and sole purpose, I will protect you with my life!"

"I know you will, that's why I predict you won't last longer than a day"


"Come now" she stepped off the table, with Ruby following her. Sapphire used her future vision, so she knows that Amethyst will emerge now-

"Amethyst! Hey, Amethyst?" He waved.

"Hey, Amethyst?" Amethyst repeated after him, along the wave.

"What? No, you're Amethyst!" He shook his head, pointing at her.

"What? No, you're Amethyst!" She repeated what he did.

Pearl slide next to them, 🎶"You must be right, this is an Amethyst!"🎶

🎵"Except an Amethyst is big and strong. This one is not the best example. Something is clearly wrong"🎵 she made her arm in the 'w' letter, having a creepy face. Amethyst copying her.

She raised her hand to her face, "I do say something is clearly wrong.
What are all these different gems doing here in this strange place?"

"Pearl, don't you recognize them?" He pointed his hand to Ruby, Sapphire and Greg.
"Don't you recognize us" then at (Y/n) and him.

"Hmm..." she showed her hand towards Greg,
"I certainly recognize my Um-Greg Universe"

"Oh boy..."

"As for you... hmm-" in that moment the mysterious pink Gem started emerging. But this time her gem wasn't upside down, it was total opposite.

Steven summoned his shield, and warned, "Get back! Huh?"

She wrapped her long arms around (Y/n), causing both of them to fall down, "Yippee! I'm so excited to meet you"

"Your not mad?" (Y/n) carefully asked.

She raised her finger to her face, "Mad? Why would I be mad at my best friend?" She laughed. (Y/n) stood up, watching the different pink gem.

🎶"This will be fun! Aren't you the lucky one? Her cut is perfect and she's pink, as well! She'll bring you endless entrainment!
Your new best friend Spinel!"🎶
Pearl finished singing. All of them stared at Spinel, until Steven-


To be continued...
Hi, I hoped you liked this chapter :D
I'm working on chapter 4 ;)
Bye, bye <3

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