♡ Chapter 13. ♡

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"Uh, don't be like that"

"Yeah, you can come here for like... A vacation!" (Y/n) shrugged.

"That's a wonderful idea, (Y/n)!"

"But we're in the middle of something- Do you guys remember Spinel?"

White turned back, "I'm sorry who?"

"Spinel, you met the Diamonds before, right?"

"Yeah, but they never see me like this" Spinel got away from the rock, she was hiding behind.

"Blue, Yellow, White, this is Spinel!"

"My Diamonds" Spinel stretched her arms doing three diamond signs.

White gasped, "Pink's little playmate?" Yellow asked.

"One of Pink's last treasures"

"Pink left her in a floating garden in space" (Y/n) told them, remembering the past events on the garden.

"You poor thing"

"Aw, it was only 6,000 years. I can do that standing on my hands!"

Yellow burst out laughing, "Only 6,000 years! It's true that's nothing! And that goofy hand stand! I like this gem."

"She's adorable, so much like Pink"

"Spinel, I..." White cleared her throat, "Steven since the Earth is so disgusting (wth White?!) we'll just take Spinel back to Homeworld with us and you can stay here"


🎶"Come live with us in the palace"🎶
🎵"There's a room waiting for you"🎵
🎶"Come on"🎶
🎵"Come on"🎵
🎶"Come on"🎶
🎵"Just let us adore you"🎵

Steven, Spinel and (Y/n) shared a 'are they serious look'. (Y/n) didn't really like the idea that Spinel leaves on Homeworld. The half gem-human grow to like the Pink Gem. Steven was fine with it, cuz the Diamonds will stop bugging him to stay.

🎶"Come live with us in the palace"🎶
🎵"There's a room waiting for you"🎵
🎶"Come on"🎶
🎵"Come on"🎵
🎶"Come on"🎶
🎵"Just let us adore you"🎵
🎶"Yes, we know you're not her"🎶
🎵"But you were her's"🎵
🎶"You know what it meant to love her"🎶
🎵"And you remind us so much of her"🎵

"You think you can handle them? They're not the one to get easy on with" Steven asked.

Spinel smiled nervously, "I'm sorry but... I wanna stay here with (Y/n)"

White looked at (Y/n) then back at Spinel, "Okay, Spinel. We don't wanna pressure you or something"

"But, you can always visit us" Blue said.

"Along with Steven and (Y/n)" Yellow smiled.

"We would stay here but... It seems that you're busy fixing your planet" White waved her hand towards the city, "As Blue said, you can come and visit us when ever you want"

"Until you visit us!" The three Diamonds went in their ships.

(Y/n) turned their head towards Spinel, "Thanks for staying here with me" they whispered.

Spinel smiled, "Anytime" she whispered back.

"Happily ever after"

"or is it?"

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