♡ Chapter 10. ♡

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"S-spinel! You got your memories back" (Y/n) smiled, "I can't believe mom did that to you." They paused, "Actually I can totally believe it"

(Y/n) took a few steps closer to Spinel, "You're not the only one she hurts"

Spinel turned around to (Y/n). Causing them to fall back on their back, and Spinel above them.

"YEAH YOU MUST KNOW ALL ABOUT WHOLE HER LIFE WITHOUT ME!" Spinel raised her fist to punch (Y/n).

"No! It's not like that! You deserve better! And a better friend!" (Y/n) sweated nervously. Spinel wanted to take out her anger on (Y/n), but it isn't (Y/n)'s fault how Pink/Rose left her.

"ARGH!" Spinel turned around and punched her communicator. Spinel fell down on her knees, sighing.

(Y/n) came behind her, wrapping their arms around the Gem, laying their head on Spinel's back. Thry began to sing:

🎶"Let's go in the garden"🎶
🎵"You'll find something waiting"🎵
🎶"Right there where you left it"🎶
🎶"Lying be upside down"🎶
🎵"When you finally find it"🎵
🎶"You'll see how it's faded"🎶
🎵"The underside it's lighter"🎵

Spinel turned around, still in (Y/n)'s arms, to face them. She laid her head on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

🎶"When you turn it around"🎶
🎵"Everything stays"🎵
🎶"Right where you left it"🎶
🎵"But it still changes"🎵
🎶"Ever so slightly"🎶
🎵"Daily and nightly"🎵
🎶"In little ways"🎶
🎵"When everything stays..."🎵

When (Y/n) stopped singing, light was around of two if them.


In the garden, there wasn't (Y/n) or Spinel, it was someone entirely new.

"Oh" The Gem looked around.


"Spinel? We fused!"
The Gem fusion looked at their clothes, it was a minute of Spinel's and (Y/n). They walked to the lake, they we're before. They lean above the water, looking at their inflection.

"Woah. We really fused" the Gem smiled, sitting on her knees, "How do you feel?"
"It's nice, I never fused before"

"It looks like I'm talking to myself" The fusion smirked, "Wait - what is ours fusion name?"

"(Insert fusion name)"

"I like it." She laughed, "We should go and save the Earth"
They unfused.

"Spinel that was awesome!" (Y/n) hugged Spinel.

"It was" she wrapped her arms around (Y/n), "But, (Y/n), how did we fuse if you're a human?"

"Heh, I'm a half gem - human like Steven. No one knows it except the Gems. Not even Steven or Greg. We kinda keep it a secret" (Y/n) showed Spinel where their (Gem/type) gem was.

"Why did you tell me your secret?"

"That's what best friends do, right?"

"Yeah" Spinel smiled.

"Let's go save the Earth and people on it"
(Y/n) took Spinel's hand, walking to the warp pad. Together they wrapped to the house. (Y/n) quickly got out.

Spinel smiled, she wipe away her tears, "Best friends" She caught up with (Y/n).

In the living room, Amethyst was sitting in the couch, Steven beside her. Pearl walked around. And Garnet found a fork.

"If she finds her, she'll come back here, right?" Amethyst asked.

"Guys! Guess who's back!" (Y/n) got downstairs, "Come on down" they whispered to Spinel.

My new best friend [Spinel x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now