♡ Chapter 5. ♡

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(My art ↑↑↑
Plus I got a B from chemistry test, let's celebrate with writing this chapter ♡)

(Y/n) sighed, and began to sing
🎶"When it has it ever been easy? Hasn't it always been hard to be us?"🎶

Bismuth took a few steps, getting closer to Steven, 🎵"When you go against the grain."🎵 She turned around to Spinel.

🎶"There's always somebody around you can't trust."🎶 Spinel looked around, like Bismuth wasn't talking to her.

(Y/n) continued to sing, 🎵"That's why we've got to have each other! While we'll figure this out, we must!"🎵 Bismuth helped Steven, and began to sing after (Y/n).

She pointed her index finger to the sky,  🎶"Because we are the Crystal Gem. And we never give up"🎶 Bismuth walked to the two Gems and Human hugging them.

🎵"We never give up on our friends!
As long as one of us standing to brandish the star!"🎵

🎶"We'll find a way!
To save the day!
That's who we are!"🎶 Bismuth and (Y/n) sang together. The three Gems and human stood in different posses.

Steven just walk by them, 🎵"Here we are in the future. Here we are in the future and it's wrong"🎵 he looked up to the sky,
🎶"Look at them, they're not singing along"🎶 he pointed at Gems behind him.

🎵"If I could've just stopped right there, we'd be-"🎵 he sat down on his knees.

🎶"Totally fine!
Totally us!
Totally me!"🎶

Bismuth came by him, she rested her hand on his shoulder.
🎵"Even if it takes a thousand years to get them back, we will!"🎵
The rest of the Gems came too, standing on the platform, who's like a elevator.

🎶"They may not know who they are but we do! Believe me, Steven, I've known them longer. I've seen them get through worse and come back stronger!"🎶

Bismuth jumped from the platform, 🎵"That's why I believe in them
And I believe in you"🎵

🎶"Because we are the Crystal Gems! And we never give up! No, we never give up on our friends! As long as one of us standing to brandish the star!"🎶 (Y/n) walked beside Bismuth, singing.

🎵"We'll find a way! "🎵

🎶"To save the day!"🎶

🎵"That's who we are!"🎵

Steven smiled, "Right, okay, let's put our heads together. There's gotta be some way to make them remember." He looked behind, at Sapphire and Ruby. The Spinel came into the view.

She asked, "What if it's like a puzzle?


"A puzzle?"

She intertwines her fingers togheter, "If we give them all the pieces.
Eventually, they'll get the picture!

"Spinel, you might be onto something!
If every experience they lost is a piece who they are. We just have to give them back all the pieces, once experience at time!"

"It might work!" (Y/n) nodded, agreeing with Steven.

"Are you serious?"

"That could take forever!"

"Exactly! So let's get started!

The five of them begin to sing, 🎶"We'll find a way!
To save the day!
That's who we are!"🎶

Spinel came behind them;
🎵"Here we are in the future!"🎵
She walked around.
🎶"Yeah, here we are in the future and it's wrooong!"🎶

"Whoa Spinel. It's okay. We're done"

Sapphire stood on one place, while Ruby was walking forward and back, protecting her.
"So when Ruby and Sapphire first became Garnet, Ruby rushed in to save Sapphire from danger. And bam!" He clapped his hands together, "They fused!"

(Y/n) raised their hand to their chin,
"So maybe we have to create some sort of danger situation?"

"Well, what we do have that deadly danger slander around?"

"I think we can dig something up!" Peridot stood up from her seat, laughing as she came to the container.
"Danger, danger, what do we got?"

She reached for a chicken, "No" she handed it to Steven. He simply put it down on the ground.


"A giant pizza cutter?" (Y/n) asked confused, they didn't have a giant pizza to cut for sure.

"That's one of it's functions, yes" Peridot handed the cutter to Stevem.

"I can't threaten them with this!" He exclaimed.

"Hmm... here" she turned it on, "now its much more threatening. Up you go right now" she turned hum around and Steven started walking.

"Good luck!" Spinel yelled. Steven walked to the two smaller Gems, only a one or two steps away. Ruby stopped him.

She raised her hand, "I cannot allow you to approach my Sapphire with such a threatening device"

"That's to bad." He raised the cutter,
" 'Cuz I'm gonna get you!"

Bismuth asked, "Will this work?" In response Spinel only laughed.

"I don't really know" (Y/n) sighed.

"I can't!" Steven yelled, throwing the cutter on the ground, "Even if we are pretending!" He walked back to his friends.

"My Sapphite!" Ruby turned her face to Sapphire, "You were right! What do you predict it will happen next?"

"Well... the Spinel will pick up the device out of curiosity" the two Gems watched Spinel who picked up the device, "The human (Y/n) will try to stop her."

"Spinel! Don't touch that button!"

But Spinel didn't listen, and clicked the button. Turning on the giant pizza cutter. The cutter was to heavy for her, so it caused Spinel to bump into a building.

"We just build that!" Bismuth said.

Spinel holded onto the cutter, who was going around cutting everything what was in front of them. When the cutter came closer to (Y/n), they pulled off Spinel. But that didn't stop the cutter, who went up the-

"Scaffolding! My precious scaffolding!" Bismuth yelled, putting her hand on her head.

Ruby stared amazed, "Whoa! What happens next?"

"In just a moment, the sky building will start falling all alone" Sapphire answered, with a stoic face.

"What!" Ruby looked towards the sky, where were things falling. Luckily, she dodged it all, "Whoa, your amazing!"

Sapphire laughed, a slight blush on her face, "Next, the Peridot will hold back some of the falling decree. Three large balers will fall. The Bismuth will catch two of them."

"Nya! I got this, Bis!"

"Nice work Peridot!" Bismuth ran next to Peridot, "OH SHHH" she caught two, but the third one rolled down next to her.

"The Heaven Beetles are out for their Afternoon Constitutional"

"The Lapis will rush in and saved them at the last second" Lapis fleet with her water wings fast, just in time she caught the Beatles.

Lapis sighed, "You guys okay?" She asked, and The Beetles gave her a thump up.

"The (Y/n) will notice that the Spinel and them are under falling objects. They will take the Gem's hand and move."

"Is it over?" Spinel asked.

Ha a cliffhanger xD
I live for the (Y/n) and Bismuth duet
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it :)

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