♡ Chapter 8. ♡

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"I'm afraid, I can't help. I'm currently in the service of my Um-Greg Universe, preparing for tonight's concert, showcasing a  promising ensemble in the "rockinroll" genre" Pearl told them.

"Pfft" Amethyst laughed.

Greg voice from inside the garage was heard, "You're evacuating people to the warehouse?" He came outside.

"I'll... I'll cancel the rock show. No, you're right. Sadie Killer always draws a crowd. You got it, Mayor. I'll drop the cover charge and, heck, 30% off merch" he hung up.


"Steven, (Y/n), you found Amethyst?"

"Who is Amethyst?" Amethyst pretended to me a robot.

"Oh no. She's even worse."

"Nah, I'm just goofin' "

"To soon, Amethyst"

They turned around to inside Greg's garage, "Garnet, are you okay?" They all saw Garnet wrapped in red and blue cable, and Spinel beside her.

"Did you want the red cable or the blue cable?" She raised a red cable with her hand.

"It doesn't matter! They're the same!"

Greg saw outside Pearl putting some things in her gem, "Pearl, what are you doing? We need those for the show!"

"Who cares about the rock show?" Steven yelled, "We gave to stop Spinel's injector no or everyone on Earth is going to die!"

Steven turned around and start walking, Greg followed him "To stop it we need Spinel back, and to do that, we need Pearl back, and to do that we need her missing pieces! Pearl and Mom rebelled together, so she's gotta rebel with you. We gotta slage some big, dramatic event, something to jog her memory like...like-"

(Y/n) and Amethyst came beside the two males, "Like a rock show!" They yelled.

"Like a rock show..."

"Like a rock show?"

"Yes!" Amethyst, (Y/n) and Steven exclaimed.


Who's here for the show?!" Sadie yelled, people cheering for her, "Who's here, 'cause it's the end of the world?!"

"Wait, what?" Lars voice somewhere in the crowd was heard.

"This first song's a special request from Steven Universe!"

People and Gems in the crowd cheered. In the middle of the crowd, they were Garnet, Spinel and (Y/n) fangirling.

"This has gotta bring Pearl's memories back." Steven whispered to his dad, "It's all about quitting a crummy service job."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you for gracing me with your presence."

🎶"Good afternoon, sir,
what can I do sir?"🎶
🎵"Just say the word, sir,
anything for you, sir" 🎵
🎶"Your friends all say, sir,
'You don't deserve her' 🎶

Greg nudged Pearl with his shoulder. But she didn't react. She kept staring at him creepily.

🎵"I disagree, sir.
I live to serve, sir"🎵

Sadie walked to Amethyst, who was playing the drums. They sang together:

🎶"I think about
all the wasted time I spent"🎶
🎵"I wanna be disobedient"🎵
🎶"I shoot awake wondering
where my summer went"🎶
🎵"I wanna be disobedient"🎵
🎶"Disobedient, disobedient"🎶

Steven looked left to his dad and Pearl, who still hasn't got back.

🎵"I've been good, sir,
so very, very good, for what?"🎵
🎶"And I've given to you and
every single thing I got"🎶
🎵"It's feeling strange, man,
the whole arrangement"🎵
🎶"Is gonna end with me
totally deranged"🎶
🎵"When I think about
all the time I wasted"🎵
🎶"I wanna be disobedient"🎶
🎵"I shoot awake wondering
where my summer went"🎵

Steven turned around to his bouncing dad, and Pearl who just stood there. When Greg stopped, he looked be at Pearl, he taught she danced it something. Instead, she bowed.

🎶"I wanna be disobedient"🎶
🎵"Disobedient, disobedient"🎵

Steven looked towards the stage. Amethyst signaled him to came by the stage.

"One sec." He told Greg.

"I-it's not enough..."

"Maybe we need to hit her where it hurts"


"You know, her original boss? The love of her life. The reason she rebelled in the first place"

"Mom. She's gotta remember Mom. But..." He turned his head to Greg.

"If that's what it takes"

Steven turned back to Amethyst and nodded. Amethyst grab the microphone and shape-shifted herself to Steven's dead mom and Greg's wife, Rose Quartz. Everyone stopped dancing when they saw light from Amethyst shape-shifting.

🎶"I want to be"🎶
🎶"I want to be"🎶

Amethyst walked down the stage and jumped next to Pearl.

🎵"Disobedient, disobedient"🎵

She gently grabbed Pearl's face, to look at her. But Pearl's eyes drifted to Greg.


Amethyst stopped singing. Everyone clapped and cheered.

"How could that not work?" Steven asked, "What are we missing?"

Greg stopped clapping, sad expression. This remembered him of his wife.

Pearl suddenly spoke up, "Don't worry. I can clap for you" she began to clap

"Ah! What will you stop serving me?" Greg snapped.

"As long as you exist. I will serve you"

" 'As long as you exist' " Amethyst and Steven repeated.

"That's the final piece. Mom disappeared."

( With Garnet, Spinel AND (Y/N) )

"Hey, Garnet and Spinel?" (Y/n) called them.


"I'm going to the toilet. I'm gonna be right back!" (Y/n) left to find the toilet.

"Okay! Cya!" Spinel yelled, "Wait, what is a toilet?" She asked Garnet confused.

"I have no idea"

(Back to Steven and others)

Steven came beside Greg, "Dad, I've got a idea." Steven whispered to his dad.

"Are you sure?" Greg raised an eyebrow, "Aren't your powers messed up?"

"I can at least try"

"But what about me? I never..."

"Come on, Dad. Let's duet"

A another chapter done,
Be ready, cuz in next chapter there will be drama 😧😣
And I decided that (Y/n) won't fuse with Greg and Steven - but she will with someone else

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