♡ Chapter 2. ♡

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Steven laid down on his stomach, he picked up the yellow flower. When he picked it, he used his healing spit for a new flower to grow. The five friends laid down on the green grass of the hill where was the light house.

"I want everything to exactly stay just like this, and never change" Steven said.

(Y/n) lightly nodded, "Me too"

"Agreed" Pearl mumbled through her arms.

Steven opened his eyes, "How does the future look, Garnet? Do we all stay just like this forever?" He asked.

Garnet smiled, holding her visions. Then she sat up, looked down and up towards the sky and said: "No!"
Then something in the air came, covering the bright light of the sun. Steven and Amethyst stood up, Pearl sat up like Garnet and (Y/n) sat/stood up too. From the dark grey sky, came a flying object.

"Hey! Are you Steven and (Y/n) Universe?" Someone on top of the object asked.

Steven held his arms behind his back "Um...yes?" He said/asked awkwardly.

"Perfect" they said. Then they used their pinky finger like a horn. And turned on the object. The 'legs' of the thing began to extend.

"Move!" Garnet yelled, while picking up Amethyst. The five of them ran back. And then the injector went in the ground.

The person jumped up from the injector. When they jumped, the friends could see her perfect upside down shaped heart gem. She was having pigtails, who were a little messed up.

"Well, well, well, well, well!" She her made her  hand bigger, using it as a telescope "Lemme get a look at the menagerie!"

"You must be Amethyst"

"You must be Garnet"

She made a disgusted face, "And ball of flesh, called '(Y/n)'."

"And Pink Diamond's Pearl. Well, she took you," She straighten her posture, "with her. Isn't that... SWELL!"

"It can't be" Pearl said.

The mysterious gem laughed, "Oh, but it can be! And it is!"

"I got a new style" She flipped her pigtails, "And a few new toys" she putted her hand on the injector.
"That are gonna put an end to your happily ever after, once and for all!"

Steven took a few steps forward, (Y/n) following behind him, "Woah, woah! This has gotta be a misunderstanding" Steven tried to explain, then (Y/n) joined. They putted their hand on Steven's shoulder.

They started saying, "In case you haven't heard, he has established peace across the..."

The Gem cutted her off, "Yeah, yeah, I've heard. I've had your little message to the universe on LOOP!" The Gem kicked Steven it the face with her stretching foot. Causing him to roll back to the Crystal Gems. (Y/n) wanted to do something, because the Gem punched her brother, but the object was to high. You could see anger in her eyes.

The Gems summoned their weapons, then she began to speak, "I just love that part where Pink Diamond spends the rest of her days on this nowhere planet with a bunch of nobodies!" She twisted her arms like , and jumped off the object with pink liquid.

She began to sing, 🎶"That's right I heard the story over and over again."🎶 She came down, basically face to face Steven,
🎵"Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends."🎵

She moved to Garnet. Garnet tried everything to punch her with her gauntlets. But the Gem was everytime. 🎶"That's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends."🎶
The pink Gem flicked with her finger Pearl's nose. Then she moved to Amethyst throwing her hair on her face. And the she just made (Y/n) trip onto the Gem's long leg.

🎵"Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends"🎵 she sang.

🎶"What did she say about me? What did she say? What did you do without me? What did you do? Did you play games without me? What did you play?"🎶

🎵"Did you think all this time that I wouldn't find out about you?"🎵

She gotten every gem by her hands and feet, spinning them. Then she jumped on the roof of the lighthouse.
🎶"That's right I heard the story over and over again. Gee, it's swell to finally meet her other friends"🎶

The gems tried to stand up, "She's running cycles around us!" Garnet said.

"I'm rusty, give me a break!"

"It really is her, but she can't be serious!" Pearl said, getting the attention of (Y/n).

"You two know each other?" (Y/n) asked, while running their hand through their hair.

"Can you tell us who she is?" Steven asked.

The Gem was closely listening to their conversation, getting angry more.
🎵"Who am I?"🎵 She pointed her thumb on her chest, 🎶"Who am I? What are you even saying?"🎶 She walked down the roof of the lighthouse.

She leaned down, 🎵"I'm the loser of the game, you didn't know you were playing! Let's play another game this time I get to win!"🎵 She got her weapon out of her shaped down heart gem. Then throw it in the sky, catching it.

She clicked the button who activated her weapon, who liked like a reaper, 🎶"Lives on the line! Winner takes all! Ready or not! Let's begin!"🎶 She jumped off the roof, between the gems.

🎵"That's right I heard the story over and over again. Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other friends!"🎵
The five of them moved away from her. Then she kicked Steven again, and picked (Y/n) up by the back of their (f/c) and (s/f/c) shirt, and put them on the injector.

🎶"Oh, that's right I heard the story, don't really like how it ends. Gee, it's swell to finally beat her other.
Other. Other friends..."🎶 She sang and then she used her weapon and cutted the three Gems in half, poofing them. Their gems fall on the ground.

"No!" (Y/n) yelled, while trying to get down.

Steven stood up, "That's enough!" He summoned his shield.

"What's the matter, Steven? Miss your friends already? Well, don't worry! Your right behind them!"
She jumped, raising her pink weapon. Steven tried to protect himself with his shield. But the shield got in two pieces, after she used her weapon. The shield dissappeared, and the weapon touched his skin. He only felt a little shook through his body, but nothing happened.

He laughed, "That was nothing!" He placed his hands on his hips.

"Then I guess, you won't mind if I do it again!" She used her weapon on Steven, multiple times. Until he caught it.

"Cut it oout!"

"You don't poof, do you?" She smirked, "Figured this much. Just wait! Your human half won't stand a chance against my injector!"

"Not until I just did with your gem!"

"What're you talking about?"

"You were always a powerful hero, weren't you?" She laughed.

Steven took control of the weapon, while the Gem let go. He used it and cut her, like she did to the Crystal Gems. Then she poofed, dark pink smoke formed around her. Her gem had fall on the ground.
He sat down on his knees.

"Better bubble you before something happens" he bubbled the Gem's gem. But soon the bubble disappeared.


"Steven! Are you okay? What's wrong!" (Y/n) finally came down from the injector, running towards their brother.

"I'm good just... where's my bubble?"

"Try harder?"

"Come on" he lifted the heart gem trying to bubble it. But failling eventually. He fell down of so much pressure. Sweat dripping down his face.

"Steven!" (Y/n) kneeled down next to him. He lifted his shirt up, just to reveal his gem. His gem was shining in the middle.

"What's going on?"

"I don't really know..."

Chapter 2 done...
I hope you enjoyed it :)
Bye, bye till the next time

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