♡ Chapter 4. ♡

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He grabs the Gem by her shoulders, "What have you done to us?" He yelled.

The pink Gem laughed, "Boop!" She boop Steven's nose, "Now it's your turn." She used her long arms to wrap around Steven. She started shaking him up and down.

"Would you cut that out?!" She stopped, "Please?"
She unwrapped her arms dropping him down.

(Y/n) kneeled down to him, "Steven, you good?"

"Hey look! These are Gems!" She pointed at the Gems in front of them, "Let's ask them to play?"

Steven and (Y/n) shared that 'are you serious look'.
"She doesn't remember?" (Y/n) whispered to him.

Steven sat up, "Wait a minute...
You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" The childish pink Gem asked.

The eight of them walked to the lighthouse, where the injector was.
"Whoa! That thing sure is big! You wanna climb it or something?" She turned around to (Y/n).

"Wait wait! Are you serious right now? What about the stuff you said how I won't stand a chance against your injector?" Steven asked.

"I said-what now?" Spinel twisted her arms, scratching her head.

"She really doesn't remember" (Y/n) told Steven.

Steven saw Lion coming by, then he asked "How about you, Lion? Can you make any sense of this?" Lion just roared.

"Oh your not of help either" Steven reached for his pocket, gettion out Spinel's weapon.

"At least I can store this thing in your mane" He raised his hand to Lion's mane. But the weapon just slip down...

"I can't store things in Lion's mane, now? That's the easiest thing I do!" (Y/n) patted Steven on his back.

"We're gonna figure this out" They gave him a sad smile.

He nodded, took the weapon and stood up, "What do we do now? We have no friends to help us, except-"

They looked towards the Little Homeworld, "Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot!" They said together.

"C'mon guys, let's go figure out how to fix this!" The two of them started running, Spinel following from behind, but- "G-guys?" He stopped and turn around.

"My Um-Greg, allow me"
Pearl from her gem, an umbrella. Holding it up him head, and then Amethyst shape-shifted to Greg. Pearl looked towards her, humming. She holded the umbrella from her to Greg's head.

Quickly (Y/n) stopped running, "Ruby? Sapphire?" They asked, while Spinel put her hands on (Y/n)'s shoulder, leaning her cheek against them.

Ruby placed her hands on her hips, "She's not going anywhere with you!"

Then Sapphire began to speak, "I do see us following them to the country side" she started walking.

"Never mind!" Ruby walked behind Sapphire.
"We're going!"

"Wait! Don't leave me alone with these two!" Greg pointed his hands to Pearl and Pearl- I mean Amethyst who shape-shifted to Pearl.

"Just keep any eye on them for now! We'll be back!" Steven told Greg and began to run towards Ruby and Sapphire who were ahead of them.
(Y/n) ran behind him, and when they caught him up Spinel wrapped her arms around their arm. (Y/n) turned around to face her, they just gently smiled and went to look towards them.
( (Y/n) being like the pic above)


She rode in on that!" Peridot looked towards the injector with binoculars. While Steven, Lapis, Bismuth, and (Y/n) were behind her.

"Yeah! She said that my human half wouldn't stand a chance against her injector." Bismuth turned around, lost in thought making some steps forward.

"What does it that mean?"

"Why don't we just ask her?"

"Well.. here's the thing..." (Y/n) began to speak, but Spinel came behind them hugging theur arm, "Here's my new best friend Spinel!" They smiled.

"A pleasure, to meet you all" Spinel bowed.

Bismith raised her hands and said, "I thought he just said she tried to kill him!"

Lapis walked up to her, "Whoa quick-turn around" she placed her hand under her chin, while other on her hip.

"No kidding. It took me months to stop trying to kill Steven" Peridot looked up to Lapis.

"I say it took me a day. A day and half" Bismuth shrugged.

"I'm still on the fence" the three Gem laughed.

Peridot stopped laughing and began to speak, "Alright! Let's see this what she hit you with" She walked towards Steven. 

"Uh right" he took out of his pocket the weapon and he handed it to Peridot.

"Whoa! Was there like a laser?" She bought the weapon to her eye, "Or-"

"Be careful with that!" Bismuth snatched tge weapon from her hands.

"It's a Rejuvenator." Bismuth clicked the button, turning it on, "Homeworld used this things on Gems who step on the line." She turned it off.
"One hit with this and they got back how they made you." She looked down at Sapphire and Ruby.

"What are you looking at?" Ruby asked.

"Oh my stars! I touched it!" Peridot placed her hands on her chest, "I could lost all my character development. Wait..." she looked at Steven.

"How did you survived that thing, Steven?"

"I-I think I didn't" He looked down, "My human half kept me from poofing, but my gem half" he raised his shirt, looking at his gem, "It took the hit. She sent me back."
He looked at (Y/n), who was playing with Spinel. (Y/n) was always childish, even if they're older than him.

"It's like I'm a kid again. I can't barely control my powers. How to reverse this?" Bismuth handed him back the Rejuvenator.

"Oh no. Do I have to get The Diamonds?" He took the weapon.

"Your the one with healing powers. If anyone can fix this... it's you" Lapis said to him.

"I can't belive this" he placed the weapon back in his pocket, "After first time all these years, everyone's in danger." He turned around where the injector was, "Everybody needs me. And I'm useless!"

(Y/n) heard Steven say that, so they turned around and patted his shoulder,
"Your not useless. You'll find a way. We will find a way!"

"Bismuth, what do we do?"

"I'm sorry Steven, (Y/n). I don't know." Steven looked down at Ruby and Sapphire.

"Garnet would know what to do" he mumbled, "Garnet always knew what yo do" a tear began to appear in his eyes.

Spinel came beside him, giving him a side-hug, "Hey, don't be sad! Your friend Spinel is here!" She tried to make him happy.

He started to sing, 🎵"Here we are in the future.
Here we are in the future and it's wrong"🎵 he placed his hands in his pocket, sitting down.

He pulled out his phone, looking at the picture five of them took, 🎶"Just a second ago, we were singing this song. And now, they're gone because of her"🎶
he looked at Spinel who was winking at him.

🎵"Happily ever after, there we were..."🎵

I cried when I was writing, like Steven losing hope it's sad
I hope you like it ♡♡♡
Tomorrow there will be another one ;)
'Till next time, byeee :)

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