The Contract

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Lena had been sitting in her car for the past hour trying to work up the courage to get out of the car and into the building. The entire week, she had spent the majority of her days trying to back out of this whole thing and forget about it but she couldn't. It was exactly what she needed and although there was a lot of cons about it, she knew the only pro she cared about was the fact that someone would be there for her. 

That's all Lena had ever wanted in life. Sure, she held her head high and acted like she was fine with everyone talking bad about her and so on but it sucked. It especially sucked at night when her mind drifted off to thinking about all the comments she had heard about herself. How it was just a matter of time before she turned into her brother? That there was no way the company would last without Lex. The worst ones where about how she was always so alone. It sucked so much that she would spend most of her nights crying about it.

Eventually, Lena heard about this particular company. It sounded incredibly illegal but the more she read on it, the more she was interested in it. She eventually called them up and asked about what they offered and how it worked. There were no names exchanged so she had remained anonymous. No one knew it was her looking into this company and no one would know except for the girl she was going to meet with. 

She took a deep breath to calm her nerves and headed inside. Taking a seat in the waiting room until her name was called. There was a series of long hallways that she was led through to the point that she stopped keeping track of where exactly she was. The woman who was leading her through the building stopped at a door and held it open for her. She thanked her and walked in, taking in the fact that the office was made to feel like home. It helped calm her nerves as she waited for the other person.

You loved your job. It was easy money and there was really not a lot to do. Mainly just attend several events to be seen as the trophy girlfriend for some old rich men. It sucked dealing with them but the pay was more than what you could ever earn in a year so you stuck to it.

The entire reason why you even got this job was because of a friend you had met in one of your classes. You noticed how she never even seem to worry about money and it made you curious about how she did. She never talked about her family being rich so she must have been doing something. She later came clean about her exclusive job and offered you to try it out. The company had been looking for more women and men and you were just their type that they hired you within the day. You've been working with them ever since while trying to finish your degree. 

It was time to finally meet your new client and headed towards your office that you only used to meet them. It was a safe setting for you and the client as it allowed you to see that the client didn't have any ill intentions towards you. Luckily, those had only been just a couple.

"You must be my 10:00." 

You were reading the generalized folder they had given you about her and put it down as you took a seat. You forced yourself to stay calm when you noticed who the woman was that was sitting across from you. There was no way that Lena Luthor wanted to hire you. She was smart, gorgeous, and just about everything anyone could ever want. 

"I am. Sorry for coming in so early, I was just nervous about the whole thing and I figured it was better to come in now than wait until the last minute to eventually back out."

You gave her a smile, hoping it would help calm her nerves.

"It's quite alright, Ms. Luthor. I don't mind."

"Please call me Lena."

"Well if it's Lena then please call me (y/n). To start off, why don't you tell me exactly why you've decided to hire me."

She returned the smile and made herself comfortable, feeling little better about the whole thing now. You were clearly a professional and there was really nothing for her to worry.

"I um well. It's a long story but I'm just tired of going to my own events and hearing everyone talk about how sad it is to see me all alone."

"They are complete idiots, Lena. You shouldn't care about what they say. I've seen how well you can handle yourself. There's no reason for their words to get to you."

"I know. I know but this is just easier."

"Very well then. I see that you've opted to do our most expensive package. Are you sure about this? Normally, I wouldn't question the client but this is quite expensive and I'm still more than sure that you don't have to do this."

"I can very well afford it and I'm more than sure about it."

"Right. I'll just list off what it'll include and if you have any concerns or questions, feel free to interrupt me." You waited for her to nod and then began to read off of the contract. "You're hiring me to be your girlfriend. All my expenses will be paid by you. I see that you've also wanted to add the option for me to move in. Did you still want to do that?"

"I do. I know this is a lot to ask as you're attending Metropolis University but I was hoping you would transfer to National City University. I'm moving my company's headquarters over there and I would love it if you did."

Out of all the things your clients asked for, this had to be the biggest thing someone asked you to do. You know that you could have said no and moved on but there was something about her that made you want to accept. You really didn't have any friends or family in the area so it was no problem for you to just make the move.

"Everything will be paid for, right?"

"Of course. Once the contract is signed, I'll make sure to pay you the amount you ask for every week and a little more for expenses and stuff. You won't have to pay for anything. If you do choose to come back to Metropolis then I'll be happy to pay for your trip back. You don't have to say yes right away, you can think it over if you'd like."

"I'll move to National City with you."

Lena hadn't expected for you to agree to it so quickly but she wasn't about to make you doubt your choices.

"Great. I take it that you'll have to add that to the contract. But for now, I'd like for you to sign these. They are Non-Disclosure Agreements. It's just to make sure that neither of us talks about what's going on. Mainly as a precaution. I can't have more bad press than I already have."

You grabbed the papers, briefly reading them over and handing them back to her after signing them.

"I'll call you tomorrow to come back and sign the papers and then we can discuss about my move to National City."

Lena stood up and extended her hand for you to shake. You couldn't help but smile at how adorable she was and shook her hand.

"I'll see you tomorrow then."

You led her out, making sure she made it safely inside her car. Heading back to your little office, you couldn't stop thinking about the brunette. 


Thanks for reading. Not sure how this story will go. Send me things that you'll want to see or how you want the story to go.

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