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The last thing you could remember was looking up at Lena as she gave her closing speech and then soon felt someone dragging you down to a bathroom and injecting something that caused you to pass out. 

You woke up in bed, tied up and blindfolded. You had no idea where you were or who had been the person responsible for taking you but all you could think of was how you would escape.

"You know, it won't do you any good if you continue to struggle against the binds, you'll just hurt yourself."

You hear a voice to your left say.

You turn to the source of it, trying to see who it could be.

"When I heard that my daughter had started dating some nobody, I couldn't believe it. I always told her to date someone with the same status as her and she manages to pick the opposite of what I told her to."

You head a door open and suddenly the voice is much closer to you.

"A golddigger? My daughter is a fool for even dating you. I might not show it but I do love Lena. She's even better than Lex. The things is that she just doesn't give in to her call. Perhaps with the right push. She'll break and finally do as I tell her to ."

"Lena would never! She's not crazy and she'll never stoop to your level."

"Really? She wouldn't go on a murderous campaign if she saw an alien kill you?"

"No! Lena would know what's going on. She'll know that you were the one that took me in and then come rescue me."

Lillian laughs at your words and moves to head out of your cell.

"Keep dreaming."

You heard the sound of her footsteps getting lighter and lighter as she walked away and you went back to try to get out of the restraints.

 "Keep searching! There's something about her that doesn't sit with me. My daughter is a genius. She would know not to date a golddigger."

Lillian yelled to her men.

Lena had been a complete mess at the DEO. She used every piece of equipment they had to search for you and had not gotten any sleep since the day before.

"Lena, you need to go home. Get some sleep and if we find her. We'll come get you."

Kara says, hoping to get Lena out of the DEO. She was worried about her friend.

"I can't Kara! She's out there with who knows. For all I know, she could be dead!."

As soon as she said those words, she broke down. She had tried so hard to keep it in together but she couldn't. She couldn't lose you. She loved you.

Kara wrapped her arms around her, hoping to calm her down.

"We'll find her Lena. We have the entire DEO searching for her and someone is bound to find something."

Just then, in their screens, there is an image of you in a cage with another person.

"Someone, locate her position. This stream will lead us to her."

Alex yells to the agents in the room.

Lena pulled away from Kara to watch what was happening. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here to prove once and for all that aliens are bad."

She steps back from the camera to show the image of you and the man in the cage.

"This man might be normal on the outside but it's all a disguise. He's an alien and at any moments notice, he could turn on us and kill us."

In the room, they spray something in the air that causes the alien to go crazy. you try to get them to calm down but they just throw you against the metal bars, knocking you out unconscious.

"Aliens need to go back to where they came from. Earth is no place for them."

The stream cuts off just in time for the DEO to get your position.

"I'm coming with you."

"What? Lena, you can't come. It's too dangerous. We don't know what Lillian has up her sleeve. We need to be smart about this."

"Kara, I just saw my girlfriend get knocked out. I need to go to her."

Time was wasting and they couldn't keep arguing about this.

"Fine. But you stay behind the vans."

Alex led Lena down the to vans and they all began to head to the direction you were in.

The place was suspiciously empty. The only thing that was left behind was you. Kara called Lena over.

"She's fine. Nothing is broken but we might still need to take her to the DEO to make sure that she's okay."

Lena sighed in relief and followed Kara to the back of the van to transport you to the DEO. 

Alex was happy that there was no struggle to save you or anything like that but it was suspicious that they had just left you like that.

Lillian smile when she read over the document that they had obtained.

"My daughter really is a fool. Release the pictures along with the document. If she won't join us then perhaps maybe this will push her towards us."

Within minutes and 'Lena hires Girlfriend' is trending worldwide. 

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