Girlfriend for Hire

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Neither you or Lena had realized what had been realized to the news until a day later. Kara and Alex had refused to show either of you what was going outside as you were still hurting but when the media starting coming out with crazier and crazier rumors, they knew they had to tell her.

Alex walked in with Kara after Lena had allowed them to come in.

"Hey guys, someone died?"

Lena said after taking noticed of their expressions. She wanted to at least make them smile but this was obviously something serious.

"What's going on?"

Kara sighs and walks over to Lena.

"Have you answered any of your calls or messages?"

"No. My phone ran out of battery and I haven't bothered to charge it. I figured Jess could handle the company for a day or two."

"Lena.. there's something we should tell you."

Kara looked over to Alex, hoping she would take over but Alex shook her head and motioned for Kara to continue.

"The found out about your arrangement with (y/n). We weren't going to tell you but each hour we ignore it. The media keeps posting new things about you and (y/n)."

Kara pulled out a tablet with one of the headlines and handed it to Lena.

"Is it true?"

Kara asked, not in a judging manner but she was just curious if it was. She had no reason to judge the lives of others.

"Yes. Originally. We've both recently realized that we had feelings for each other a while back and the contract had been trashed a month in. I'm not sure as to how they managed to get a contract of it."

Lena sighed and turned around to face you.

"She is not going to take well to the news. You saw how much it affected her when people called her a goldigger. This will kill her."

The effects of your medicine were running out and you had just woken up to hear the last of Lena's sentence. 

"mmm, kill who?"

"Oh. Uh Supergirl."

You rubbed the sleep from your eyes and looked up to Lena, knowing that she was lying.After living with her for a while now, you could spot a lie from a mile away.

"Spit it out. What aren't you telling me?"

Instead of saying it out loud, Lena just handed you the tablet. Letting you read it.

Tears were forming in your eyes when you read the article and the comments about the two of you. They kept calling Lena an idiot and they kept insulting and saying just about everything in the book that could hurt you.

Lena took away the tablet, realizing it had been a bad idea to let you see what they were posting.

"I'll take care of it, (y/n). The contract was trashed a long time ago and it shouldn't matter how we got together. What we have now is real."

She took your hand, caressing the back of it with her thumb.

"Trust me. They'll forget about within a week."

A week passed by and they still kept on reporting it. Lena had yet to announce an official statement and she knew that the longer she waited, the worse it would get. After consulting you to make sure that you were okay with what she was going to say, she asked Jess to set up a press conference. She knew it was ridiculous to even have one because of her relationship with you but she knew they wouldn't stop hounding either of you.

Once you said goodbye to Lena, you began to pack your things. Only taking what you had brought from Metropolis. You knew it was low for you to leave like this but knowing Lena, she would try to talk you out of it. 

After packing your things, you headed to her office and began to write down a letter for her to find when she got back. Once it was done, you left your key on top of it and made your way to the airport in disguise.

Lena didn't get back to her apartment until an hour after you had boarded.

"(y/n)? Are you home?"

She called out after noticing that all the lights in your shared apartment were off and hadn't heard anything. 

She frowned when she didn't get an answer back and began to search for you. Lena however stopped when she noticed your key on top of something. She rushed over to her desk and read the letter.


I hate to do this to you. Especially after what you just did but I know this is the only option. You want to do good in the world and no matter what you do, the press will always keep asking about us. I don't want to be the reason why your dream of saving the world isn't accomplished. You're amazing and you deserve someone that has made something of themselves. Perhaps, in a few years, we could go back to how things were but I can't be with you when I haven't done anything for myself. I haven't even graduated college. I'm doing this for the both of us. I want to be able to make you proud as I'm proud of you. I'll understand if you end up finding someone and I won't hold anything against you. I'm not going to be that person that asks for the other to wait for them. I don't want to hold you back. 

I love you Lena, 

(full name)

By the end of the letter, Lena was bawling her eyes out. She was furious and yet upset at the same time. She couldn't believe you had left her like this. 

You arrived back in Metropolis a couple of hours later. You turned your phone back on to find multiple missed calls of Kara, Alex and the rest of your friends but you deleted them all. You had expected for Lena to call you as well but you figured that she was pissed off after the stunt you had pulled. 

You pulled out your key from your new apartment and headed inside. This was going to be your life for a while. 

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