Breaking News

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You weren't surprised when you first read an article that had claimed Lena was cheating on you with Kara. It was funny to read especially how it would go way too into details about the lunch dates that Lena had with her. They even interviewed someone from L-Corp about it. Let's just say that Lena was not too happy about that particular employee. 

"Does the media not know anything about friendships? They just blindly think that I'm cheating on your with Kara? How dumb can they be? I'm a public figure, if I wanted to cheat then I wouldn't even bother taking her out in public. That's just completely ridiculous."

Lena was pacing around in the living room with a glass of wine as she complained to you about the amount of newspapers and magazines that had labeled Lena as a cheater.

"Lena, they are just trying to get to you. They know that the more they public this, then the more likely it would be for you to come out and say something about it. If you want, I can go out to the media and explain my side of the story. I know how much it bothers you that they all think you're a cheater."

"No. That's fine. I know they are doing this on purpose. Thinking that if they push me hard enough that I'll do something like my brother."

"How about we just act like nothing is wrong and if they end up asking me or something then I'll say that all the magazines are garbage and that I don't believe one word of them."

"I guess that doesn't sound too bad. We can definitely do that."

For the next couple of days, Lena would take you out every night to make the media realize that their articles would not break you up. 

But of course they kept pushing, even so far as to editing pictures to make it seem like Lena was with other women and such while she was in fact just ordering drinks for you.

The worst article released was a blog post of a conversation you had with one of the reporters that they had edited. Instead of you defending Lena, it seemed as if you were angry that Lena was cheating on you when in reality you were just angry that they were doing this to hurt her.

"I don't think we'll ever sway the media to our side. They are clearly on this Luthor hate train and whatever we do, it just fuels the fire even more."

You and Lena were currently in her bed, talking about the entire cheating issue.

"Lena, it doesn't even matter. We both know you're not cheating and even if you were, we're not truly dating. It's all for a show."

"Yeah, all for a show."

Lena mumbled. 

You didn't really hear the last part and figured Lena wasn't really going to say what she had mumbled.

"I say we just ignore it. It's the last option we haven't tried. Plus it's like we're dealing with bullies. If we ignore them, they'll get bored and move on to the next person."

Lean turned around to face you properly.

"That could work. We'll ignore it from now on. Go back to the way things are by not talking to the media. I already did an interview and had promised not to further discuss our relationship with the media."

The two of you followed the plan. Every time you went out for a shopping trip and such, you ignored the camera flashes and the microphones being shoved in your face.

Lena had wanted to hire you bodyguards to keep you safe after a reported had been particularly brutal about his questioning but you denied it. Saying it was just better to not attract any attention. She only dropped it after saying that if something ever happened like it again that she would be hiring bodyguards that very moment. She hated being the reason why your life had turned upside down. Yes, she was paying you but it didn't mean that she was just going to treat you like an object with no feelings. 

Everything was going well. The media had completely forgotten about the two of you after a couple of weeks of being ignored and no longer being something to talk about. It was such a relief to you and Lena that you both had decided to go out and celebrate with her friends. 

The two of you both made your way to Kara's house as she decided it was worth celebrating this special moment. 

It was kind of her to do this, considering she was also part of most of the stories. Lena had been afraid that Kara would want to pull away from the friendship but she was pleasantly surprised that Kara had stuck around. 

"You guys made it!"

She squealed happily, giving the two of you a tight hug.

"Ka-ra we can't brea-breath."

"Oh sorry!"

She pulled back, feeling bad about hurting you.

"Well everyone is already here, come on. I'll introduce you to the rest."

After getting to know, all of Lena's friends, it had been decided what better way to celebrate than play a couple of games. 

It was just in the middle of monopoly when your friend had sent you the article that caused you to run out of the apartment and hide out in one of the 24/7 restaurants that you were sure, Lena would never step inside. 

'Lena's girlfriend? More like gold digger. We have all the exclusive details and even interviews to prove that she's only in it for the money.'

Sugar Baby - Reader/Lena Luthor (FxF)Where stories live. Discover now