The Visit

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Kara had been a witness of Lena's rollercoaster of emotions. She was the one that held Lena and gave her advice about what to do and also the one that helped Lena pick out the various gifts she would send you. 

It was strange to see Lena smiling so much after what had happened and soon enough, she ended up finding out about the messages the two of you would send each other. 

"I thought that the two of you had called it quits."

Kara says while the two of them are having lunch.

"What are you talking about?"

"I know about the messages Lena. Is she stringing you along because if she is then it's better to end it now than be broken up about it later."

Lena was furious. She had no idea how Kara had come to find out about the messages but she did not like that her privacy had been invited.

"How did you find out about them?"

She asked, her tone harsher than it was earlier. 

"She texted you while I was ordering food for the both of us."

Lena calmed down when she heard Kara's explanation. She felt dumb for thinking that Kara had actually hacked into her phone which in itself was ridiculous as it was nearly impossible to do so.

She sighs and turns to face a random spot in the wall, not really wanting to face Kara.

"She did brake up with me but we're working something out. We both care about each other and what we have is something that I'll never be able to find with anyone else."

Kara placed her hand on top of Lena's, giving it a light squeeze.

"She did make you happy but I just want you to be careful Lena. You're my friend and I don't want anyone taking advantage of you."

"She isn't."

Satisfied with Lena's answers, Kara switched the subject. Not wanting to spend the entire time talking about you for lunch.

Once, Kara left Lena's office she flew to Metropolis. Flying inside your apartment when she noticed the window open.

You were just opening the door to find none other than Supergirl in your living room.

"Kara! What are you doing here? Is Lena okay?"

She places her hands on her hips, sporting that similar pose that she always seems to have on every picture you've managed to see of her.

"She's fine. I actually came to talk to you."

She motioned for you to sit down before she started talking.

"I see that you're still talking with Lena."

Kara raised her hand up, stopping you from talking.

"She didn't tell me. I found out about them. What I'm getting to is that you better not be stringing along my best friend. I don't want to get another call from her to end up hearing that you left her another message about wanting to break up with her."

"Kara, it was for her own good. The media just stopped asking her about me. I can guarantee that if they ever spotted us again that all that negative attention would be put on her."

"You had no right to decided what was good or bad for Lena. I can guarantee you that Lena didn't tell you about the fact that she never bothered to go to work for an entire week after reading your letter. She spent it locked up in her apartment, putting on sad movies and eating a bunch of ice cream. It took everything to convince her that only eating ice cream was not a replacement for food."

You were shocked to hear about this. You assumed Lena was just taking some time to deal with everything.

"I-I had no idea."

"Well now you do and if you ever do something stupid like that, I will throw you to the sun. No one will ever know what happened to you because your body turned into a pile of ash on the surface of the sun."

You gulped loudly and quickly nodded. Kara was a literal personification of a puppy so hearing her threaten you was scary on a whole other level.

"I promise. I truly want what's best for Lena and promise to talk to her if I ever think of doing something stupid like I did."

She gives you a wide smile and pulls you in for a hug before taking a seat besides you.

"Good. Now I'm starving. Lets order some takeout. Flying from National City took a lot of energy from me."

You found it scary how quickly she switched moods.

"are potstickers okay?"

You asked hoping they could get her on your good side.

"More than okay!"

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