The Gala

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This time, you listened to Lena and ignored the media. 

After the article was released, Lena's apartment building and office was flooded with reporters 24/7. She had to hired extra security to make sure that no member of the press got inside to find things they shouldn't be looking for. As an extra precaution, Lena hired you bodyguards. You tried telling her it was unnecessary but she was stubborn and refused to change her mind so they would follow you everywhere. Covering you whenever they started taking pictures or asking you questions about your relationship with Lena. 

As much as you hated to admit it, Lena was right. You needed the bodyguards and you were thankful that they kept you from being hounded by the press.

"Darling! I know this is last minute but this is a last minute event but I was hoping you could come to my gala tomorrow. We can go to the mall to buy matching dresses if you'd like to join me."

"Are you sure that's a good idea? The press will just love to see that I'm spending more of your money. Maybe you can take Kara."

"(Y/n), what did I tell you? Ignore them. They don't matter. None of their opinions matter to me. Now do you want to be my date for the night?"

She had walked over to you, taking both your hands as she looked directly at you.

"How can I say no when you're looking at me like that?"

She gives you a bright smile and leads you back down to the back of the apartments so that her driver could take you to the mall.

As the days went by, you and Lena got much closer. Neither of you were afraid to be handsy with each other. You loved hugging her and she loved to cuddle with you. Yes, you wanted for something else to happen but you were perfectly content to just have her as a close friend.

"Alright. I kind of already have an idea of what dress will look perfect on you. Come on. The store is this way."

She led you down the stores and into one that sold expensive dresses that you would have never been able to afford on your own. 

You just simply watched as she looked through the selection of dresses and picked two of them out. She led you down to the fitting rooms and made you try on the dress as well as she did.

"Well what do you think? Do we look hot or not?"

You bit your lip when you took notice of the dress that Lena was wearing. With her hair down like that, she looked absolutely gorgeous. 

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you! You look beautiful as well. Now come on. We need to go jewelry shopping."

The two of you changed back into your clothes and then she went over to pay for the things. One of the bodyguards helped her out to carry the dresses and then both of you soon headed to the jewelry story that Lena had gotten your gifts from. 

It was just exactly as you had expected. Two guards posted by the door and jewelry that much like the dresses, you wouldn't have been able to afford. 

Lena wanted to surprise you so she made you stay by the entrance as she again bought you jewelry as a gift.

"Alright. All set. Lets go. I'm quite exhausted and we have an early day tomorrow."

Both of you arrived back to Lena's apartment around 10PM. Goodnights were said before each of you went to your respective room.

You groaned loudly as you heard a knock at your door.

"(Y/n)! Come on. We have to start getting ready. We need to be there by 6 and it takes a while to get ready."

You sighed and headed out of your room to be greeted by two women that pushed you inside your room and demanded for you to shower so they could help you get ready. With no other choice, you followed their instructions and took a hot shower.

 As soon as you came out, they sat you down on a chair and began to do your hair, it took a while for them to finish and then it was on to the makeup. Getting ready was what you hated about going to galas but you didn't mind so much in the end as you loved how gorgeous Lena would look.

A couple of hours later, you were already ready. You had put your dress on as well as your shoes and you were just waiting for Lena at the moment.

"What do you think?"

Lena called out from the door of her room. You looked up to find yourself having a hard time speaking. She was absolutely gorgeous.

Your lack of words made Lena self-conscious, making her cross her arms as she looked down.

"Well it's a good thing I bought a different dress."

Hearing her words made you snap out of it. There was no way you were going to let her change out of it.

"No! No. You look gorgeous. I'm lucky to be considered your fake girlfriend."

She smiled at your words and walked over to you.

"Thank you, (y/n). Before I forget."

She pulled out the back from the jewelry story and unboxed the necklace and ring she had gotten you. 

"Now come on. We have a gala to attend to."

The two of you decided to walk out the front door of the apartment building as Lena's driver picked the two of you. 

When you arrived, there were already photographers lined against the ribbon, taking pictures of you and Lena. You held her close as you both walked up the stairs and even some questions before going inside. 

Once you were inside, you let out your breath that you hadn't realized you were holding.

"Glad that part is over."

"Me too. Unfortunately, I must leave you alone for a couple of minutes as I have to give an opening speech."

She gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

"But I'll be back."

You watched her walk up to the stage and looked up as you heard her speech. Seeing her up there made you realize how proud you were of her. She was doing so many good things in the city and you were just glad she was much happier than when you first met her.

Lena came up to you once you were finished and then led you around the gala, introducing you to everyone as she talked them into giving more money for the charity. You were a help as well since you managed to talk them into giving more money than what Lena had talked them into. 

The two of you were a force to be reckoned with when it came to getting donations that it didn't take long to reach the goal for the night.

Again, Lena excused herself to thank everyone for their donations and as well as coming in.

For the next couple of minutes, everyone was paying attention to Lena's speech that no one took notice of the fact that you had been taken right under the noses of your bodyguards as well as Lena's. 

When Lena finally came down, she couldn't seem to find you where she had left you. She searched around the gala to see where you might have gone but it was clear that you had just disappeared. 

Lena had called Kara so she could call Supergirl and Alex to come over and see if they could help find you. Supergirl used her hearing to try to find your voice while Alex searched through the cameras.

Her eyes widened when she spotted you a few minutes into Lena's speech.

"(Y/n) got kidnapped."

Sugar Baby - Reader/Lena Luthor (FxF)Where stories live. Discover now