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Another year had passed by and you were set to graduate this semester. You and Lena had decided to go back to being friends and although the two of you had moved on to talking through the phone or through FaceTime, both of you continued your tradition of sending each other messages and letters. 

"So next week is my last week in school."

"Really? That's fantastic. I knew you could do it."

"Thank you. I really couldn't have done it without your support, Lena."

"Oh please. This was all you. You were the one who stayed up nights and sacrificed a lot of things just to be able to graduate and be accepted into medical school.

You gave her a smile at the compliment. It felt nice to hear about everything that you had accomplished. 

You still couldn't believe that it had been two years since you had 'broken up' with Lena. It just seemed like it was yesterday when you heard the news that they had found out about you and the contract. It really didn't matter now, no one had seemed to care and you were grateful. The first couple of weeks of school, were pure hell because a lot of people just came up to you to ask if it had all been through. You ignored them, preferring to take Lena's advice on how to deal with people like that. It helped and eventually you were just another student. 

"Thank you. I wouldn't go as far to say that it was worth it but I'm happy that I decided to come back. It feels so good to say that I'm closer to my career"

"I'm really proud of you, (y/n). I knew you were going finish. Have you thought about where you were going to go for medical school."

Lena didn't want to directly ask if you were coming to the one in National City but she was desperate to know. She missed you so much and she hopped that you had ended up picking it. She knew about the fact that you had applied but she didn't know that you had accepted and had registered for it. It was meant to be a surprise. 

"Actually, I'm not sure yet but that's not really important. What is important is that I want you to come to my graduation. I would love to look out in the crowd and see you."

"You didn't even have to ask. Of course, I'll come."

The conversation switched to another thing until you eventually had to hang up as it was getting late. 


It was the day of your graduation. Lena had texted that she had already taken a seat with the rest of your friends and for some reason, you had gotten nervous as you read her text. You couldn't really reply as you were all led down to the ceremony.

The graduation was quite boring and you just wished it would go faster. You wanted to see Lena and sitting there without anything to do just made you wish to have skipped out on it. 

Finally, your name was called. There were suddenly loud screams to your right and you turned around to see that your friends had all filled out a section in the stands. You smiled at them and waved as you got down. You might have been looking at their direction but you weren't really paying attention to them. You were paying attention to Lena. 


You had invited them all to come to your apartment for a dinner to celebrate your graduation. Everyone was in their own conversation while you and Lena talked. 

"So.. You've now graduated. Does that mean you already picked out your school."

You couldn't help but smile at how eager Lena sounded to know where you wanted to go. As much as you wanted to tease her, you couldn't. You had waited for this moment for so long and so you just gripped her coat and pulled her in for a kiss. 

"National City. I'm coming home, baby."


Thank you for reading. Not really sure where to go with this story so I'm wrapping it up in 2-3 chapters. 

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