Shopping Trip

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National City was something else. The weather compared to Metropolis was not the same and it made you miss it. Metropolis was always so windy and cool while National City was hot. This made you remind yourself to purchase new clothes to match the weather.

"So (y/n), I know we just arrived but maybe we should go shopping. I'm sure that you're not used to this weather and I need to buy something for tomorrow's conference."

"I would love that then."

She called her driver to come pick the two of you up and take you to the nearest mall. The ride to  the mall was quiet as Lena was talking to her secretary about canceling some event. You weren't paying any attention to it as you looked out of the window to take in the scenery.

Lena might be talking to Jess but she was paying attention to you. Loving the way you looked as you noticed your new surroundings. You looked adorable and Lena couldn't look away.

"Ms. Luthor?"

"I'm sorry, Jess. What were you saying?"

Jess wanted to ask what was bothering her boss but she felt that it was none of her business.

"I just needed to confirm that you weren't going to take your spot at the Venture."

"Yes. Someone else can have my spot. I have other matters to attend to. Take the rest of the day off once you cancel my appearance." 

She hung up just in time as the two of you arrived to the mall. Lena let you guide her around the stores as you shopped around. Sometimes giving her opinion about some of the things you would buy. Even suggesting what you should get whenever the two of you would go on 'dates' or events and such. Just as promised. Lena had paid for anything. Simply just swiping her card and not bothering to look at the price. 

"Alright. I'm all done. Now it's your turn."

You had taken notice of a couple of photographers following you around and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Lets make this trip interesting."

Lena was too lost after the kiss that you had to guide her to your next stop. A lingerie store.

"I noticed a couple of photographers so I thought this might be a good idea. I'll try some on for you and then we can leave after buying them. They'll just eat this shit up."

"Oh right. Of course."

Lena wasn't sure how she was going to survive this. She knew how hot you were but she can't imagine how hotter you'll look trying out lingerie for her. 

After grabbing a series of sets and letting her pick one out for you, you led her to the dressing rooms to try out all the sets that you had gotten. At first, this was just a show for the photographers but after noticing how Lena was being affected by each new set you got, you focused on her and decided to give her a show. 

Lena had turned a few shades redder after you were done. You just simply smiled at her and kissed her cheek as she paid for everything again.

"Okay, now we're actually done. You lead the way."

Lena was finally able to snap out of whatever she was thinking on.

"Actually, we need to go to my office. Apparently something happened to this rocket that I was going to be on and everyone now just assumes that I had something to do with it."

You dropped your bags, pulling her in for a tight hug. 

"I know you had nothing to do with it. I might not be as powerful as you but I will support you at every step of the way. Lets go then."

She helped you with some of your bags as the two of you made your way to the driver. After instructing him to drop everything off and then head home, both of you took the elevator upstairs.

"Jess, I told you to take the day off."

"I know Ms. Luthor but they called and said it was urgent to meet you."


That's when you noticed the man and woman at the waiting chairs.

"Clark Kent with the Daily Planet"

Lena leads you and the other two reporters inside.

"And you are?"

"Kara Danvers of Catco Magazine."

"Right. Well I'm assuming the two of you wanted to further investigate to see if I had anything to do with the explosion but I'm sorry to disappoint but I've been with my girlfriend all day. She can confirm and will go on tape to say that I was indeed with her."

"I will. Lena had nothing to do with any of that and it's crazy to even assume that Lena had anything to do with it."

"Right well Ms."


"Ms. (y/l/n). It's hard not to considering who her brother is."

"Mr. Kent. I would rather you not start anything with her. Here's all the information I have on the Venture. Now if the two of you could kindly leave. Me and my girlfriend need to go."

The two of them finally left. Leaving you and Lena alone in the office.


"Not right now (y/n). I just need some time alone. I'll call Nathaniel so he could come pick you up. I'll be home later today. If you need anything, I've programmed this phone for you to have all you'll need."

She gave you a box with what you assumed was your new phone and then turned to face the city.

"I would rather stay with you."

"I'm fine. Just please go."

You didn't want to argue with her so you headed back downstairs where Nathaniel was waiting for you. He dropped you off at your new place.

Her apartment was nothing like you've ever seen before. The view was astonishing as well as the decorations and furniture that she had. Her living room had the largest TV you've ever seen and you couldn't wait to see what the rest of the apartment held. Lena had said to treat as your own home but you still felt weird so you just decided to watch some TV while you waited for her to come home. Lena was way out of your league. You were sure that the rent for this apartment was more than what you would ever earn in a year. That's if she didn't own the building. With how rich she was, you just knew that she owned the building as well. Considering that she had her own private elevator that led directly to her place. 

You were finally living the life of the 1%.


So should I write my own story or should I follow the show. I could do either. Let me know what you would prefer. Thank you!

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