Chapter One

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My family was out on vacation somewhere in California. I think it was Huntigton Beach, but I wasn't for sure. It took me forever, but I finally got away for a while and went adventuring on my own, only cause it was our last night here. After all, I never felt like I belonged with my family anyways. I was adopted.

I found myself somewhere near the beach walking down this strip full of bars and mini shopping stores for tourist, but I didn't feel like a tourist on vacation, I felt at home here.

As I crossed the street and started to pass this bar name, 'Johnny's Bar', I noticed a guy. A very attractive one, who had a tattoo across his cheast. I couldnt make out what it was, but he smiled at me. A girl with dark brown hair that was walking with him, shot me a glare. Then two other guys were walking with them. One was really short, like a 12 year old boy, whom looked like he was in his 20s. Another one, that looked me dead in the eyes and looked almost exactly like me. We locked eyes and his eyes were the same shade of green as mine. I had never found anyone with the same color eyes as me, till now.

The guy stopped walking and looked at me shocked, until his friend pulled him along.

I just stood there, looking at him walk away. It was like looking in a mirror almost. It was like, he was the boy verison of me. I was so, dumb founded.

"Cynthia!" I herd my mother call for me from the bar across the street.

I shook my head and looked at her, waving me over. I sighed and quickly crossed the street.

That night, I was asleep in my hotel room, with my younger brother, Hunter. He was fast asleep, but I was wide awake. I couldnt stop thinking about that group of people I saw. That extremely atteractive guy. That girl shooting me a glare. The boy verison of me. What was going on? I had to find out. I couldnt leave here, not knowing who they were. At least their names.

I got up from bed and quickly got dressed. I looked at the time and it was 11pm. I was dead set on going back to that area I saw them at. Maybe they would go to that bar? So thats where I went. Johnny's bar.

It wasnt too long till I finally arrived and went inside. It was dark. Not like normal bars. But it was crowed. More then most. I looked around and spotted that short guy, that was tall like a twelve year old, shooting pool.

"Excuse me." I said tapping on his shoulder.

He turned and looked at me with smile, "Why, hello."

"I saw you earlier today, walking with your friends." I mummled. "May ask, what are there names?"

The short guy looked around and pointed in a direction, "Thats Brandy. Shes sitting next to the rather short girl, who is Kim."

I looked and it was the girl that glared at me.

"Who were the others?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "Their not here, but I was out with Brian and Zackary eailer."

"The green eyes, whos that one?" I asked, inpasient.

He looked at me funny, "Zackary."

I nodded my head, "Whats his last name?"

"Vengeance." The guy laughed.

I shot him a glare.

"Let me get you a drink." He said grabbing my arm, "Im Johnny by the way."

I rolled my eyes and followed him to the bar.

He walked up next to the Brandy and Kim girl.

The Brandy one, looked at me shocked, then glared, "What are you doing here?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, insulted.

Johnny grabbed her by her shoulder, "Shes a nice girl, leave her be Brandy."

Brandy rolled her eyes, "Whatever."

With, that, she walked away.

"Johnny im sorry, but I need to go." I said getting up.

He had a sad look on his face, "You ever gunna come back?"

I stopped walking away and looked at him, "Yea, I'll be back."

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