Chapter Seven

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A about a week later, I was still avoiding Syn. I would go out with Zacky and his friends, but real recently, I would just stay at the house. I communicated with Zacky and Brandy. Even Jimmy, but it wasnt the same as talking to Syn. I missed him. I would see him when we would go out, but I never spoke. I just stuck close to Zacky. Each time I saw him I felt my heart breaking and I didnt understand why.

It was the middle of the night and Zacky was out with Brandy on like their 5th date or something. I was buzzing off of the last of his Zacky's vodke as I roamed the kitchen. I could not get Syn off my mind, what so ever. I needed something to make me stop thinking.

So I started snopping around Zackys room. I found a bottle of valums on his nightstand. I wasnt saticifde, so I went to his bathroom and looked at the cabnit and found sleeping pills. Perfect , I needed some help sleeping.

*Brandy's point of view.*

"You want to see what Cyndy is up to?" Zacky asked me as we climbed into his car.

I nodded my head, "Yea,actually. I havent herd from her since the last time we hung out, is she okay?"

"Yea, shes fine, but I am kinda of worried." He said iffy.

I looked at him worried, "Are you two okay?"

He nodded his head.

The rest of the car ride was silent.

We got to his house and in the door, he started calling for her.

No answer, so we went up to her room.

"Shes sleeping." Zacky said uneasy.

I looked up at him and he seamed scared.

"Check on her." I nudged him.

He quickly looked at me, then rushed over to her. He knelt down next to her face, then smile with a sign of relief.

"Shes fine." He said walking past me out the door, then back down the stairs.

I followed them, then sat on the couch as he brought me a glass of whine from the kitchen.

"Are you sure thw two fo you are okay?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "Yea, we cooked breakfest together this morning, laughing joking, then watched some movies just before I went out to get you to dinner."

"And you didnt asked her to some?" I also asked.

"I did, but she didnt want to, she was tired." He told me.

I sighed, "You need to hook her up with someone."

He rolled his eye and just looked at the wall.

I slapped his chest, then kissed him, "Be good to your sister, let her be happy."

"Not with Syn." He said aggervated.

I rolled my eyes and got up.

"What is it?" He asked me.

I smiled and turned on some music, "Dance with me?"

"Sure, of course." Zacky smiled as he got up and danced with me.

Later on that night, I woke up thirsy for some odd reason. I slowly got out of bed, trying not to wake Zacky and made my way down to the kitchen. Cyndy was sitting at the counter, drawing.

"What are you doing up?" I asked her as I walked to the fridge.

She looked up at me, then back at the paper, "I could ask you the same thing."

"Hateful, what are you drawing?" I asked sitting in front of her.

She sighed and moved her hands.

She was drawing a picutre of Syn and it looked, really good.

"Thats really good, but why draw Syn?" I asked.

She rolled her eyes, "Because, I miss him."

I growled, "Well get over it."

"Thats no way to talk to someone who hooked you up with their brother." I herd her mumle as I started back toward the bedroom.

I stopped and looked at her, "Exuse me?"

"You herd me." She glared.

I shook my head, "Im glad Zacky wont let you see Syn, your not good enough for him. He would have asked me sooner or later and I would have told him no."

She flipped me off and conuited drawing.

I rolled my eyes and went back to bed.

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