Chapter Eleven

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*Cyndy's point of view.*

Zacky got me in his car and the whole way to where ever we were going, was silent. Soon, I relized, we were going to the beach. The dock actually, as he pulled up on the dock and parked.

"Come on." Zacky said opening the door for me.

I got out and looked at him kinda of worried, "What are we doing?"

He just shook his head and walked all the way to the end of the dock, out over the ocean. He leaned on the railing and looked out at the water.

"Zacky." I said standing next to him, "Talk to me."

He looked at me and slightly smiled, "Cyndy, Im not good with being soical. We just found out about each other a weeks or so ago. And I dont know how to act. I dont know how to take my best friend all over my sister."

"You had Zina, how did that play out?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders, "I wasnt around much when she started dating. Matt was. I was out starting to tour, so I never experianced being a protective brother like I should have."

"Zacky.." I said feeling bad.

He shook his head, "I dont know to like it or hate it. When I saw him flirting with you at the bad, a fire was burning inside of me. I didnt like it, but now, I see you two, and its like, cool, my sister and my best friend."

"Zacky, Im in love with him." I told him blankly.

He looked at me shocked, "How? You two only talked for a few days."

I shurgged my shoulders, "I dont know what it is, but something about him makes me feel crazy inside."

"Yea, I get that feeling with Brandy." Zacky said looking back at the water.

I shook my head and slightly laughed, "Whats her deal with me anyways?"

"Shes looking out for Syn." He told me.

I nodded my head and got quiet.

"Is there anything else I should know? Your being weridly quiet all of a sudden?" Zacky asked me.

I sighed, "A few days ago, I snooped in your room adn bathroom."

"Go on." He glared at me.

"I took a bottle of your sleeping pills and valums." I admited, "I took the valums last night and almsot OD."

"What!?" He yelled, "Your fucking kidding?!"

I shook my head with tears pouring down my face, "If Syn hadden of came in my room last night, I would have and I didnt mean to it. I jsut wanted to get Syn off my mind. Im sorry Zacky."

He wrapped his arms around me tight and hugged me, "Its alright, as long as your okay now."

"I really am sorry." I said resting my head on his shoulder.

He let me go and looked me in the eye, "We barley know each other Cyndy, this is getting crazy, we have to push everyone aside and figure us out."

I nodded my head in agreement.

"No more Syn, for now. After we chill for a while, I promise, he can come back in your life." He told me, "And Brandy will be on hold as well."

"Are you sure she wont get mad at me for that?" I asked, kind of worried.

He laughed, "If she loves me, she will be fine. You just better hope you get her approval for Syn."

I rolled my eyes and followed him back to the car.

We got back to Zackys and found Syn and Brandy sitting on the couch, nearly about to beat each other over a video game.

"Hey, we need to speak with both of you." Zacky barked at them.

The both stopped and looked at the two of us.

Syn looked worried, and inpasient.

I laughed and held out my hand, "come lets go outside Brian."

He glanced at Zacky, then took my hand as I lead him outside.

"What is it? Is it good? Bad?" He started questioning me.

I smiled and grabbed his face in my hands as I kissed him to shut him up.

"I take it good?" He smirked.

I nodded my head, "Yea, but Zacky and I have to get to know each other ,for real this time."

"And?" He asked.

"Andd, were going to be under a rock from the world and everyone for a few days." I told him, "That menas, no you, no brandy, no band, nothing. Just us."

"Wha are you guys going to do?" He asked me sadly.

I shurgged my shoulders, "I dont know yet."

"Promse you'll tell me all about it as soon as possible?" Syn asked me with a smirk.

I nodded my head, "Of course, as long as you take me on a real date."

"Deal." He said kissing me.

The two of us made our way back inside and Brandy did not look happy. She shot me a glare once they both herd us come inside.

"Brandy now, please." Zacky begged her.

Syn laughed, "Come one Brandy, lets go get drunk with the guys."

"Sounds like a fucking plan." Brandy said as she walked past me and followed Syn toward the door.

"See you guys later!" Syn yelled as he walked out the door.

I looked at Zacky and laughed, "So, whats the plan."

He walked up to me and showed me his phone.

Two plane tickets to Washinton State.

"Your joking? What for? I thought you moved here?" I asked him.

He nodded his head, "True, but my granparents are still in Washington. I thought we could get some real family history, then come back, talk to our mom and dad. You can meet Zina and Matt as well."

"Really? You think they will like me?" I asked, kind of nerves.

"They will love you." He said hugging me, "I bet mom cant wait to meet you."

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