Chapter Ten

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I woke up that next morning in Synyster's arms. He held onto my tight. So tight, I couldnt move, so I blew on his face and he opened his eyes, smiling at me.

"Morning." He said in a sleepy voice.

God that voice.

I smiled, "Morning."

"Have fun?" He asked snuggling close to me.

I laughed, "Of course, but im thirsty."

"Right." He laughed as he let me go, "Bring me something?"

I nodded my head and threw on a old tshirt from my dresser and slipped my panites on, then walked out of my room.

I slowly made my way down stairs and to the kitchen. I opened the friged and got two glasses out, pouring them full of chocolate milk.

As I turned to started back up to the stairs to my room, Zacky stood in the hall way with his arms crossed. Brandy was peeking her head out of his room.

"Who is that other glass for?" Zacky asked.

I glared, "Syn, whats it to you?"

Brandy got a shock look on her face, as well as Zacky, but his turned into anger.

"Go get dressed." He demaned, "We are going to talk."

I looked at him confussed, "Why?"

"I said so, no go do what I asked, please?" He begged.

I nodded my head and went up the stairs to my room.

When I walked in, Syn wasnt laying in bed anymore. He was in the bathroom cleaning up the mess where I had puked the valums up.

"Brian." I said sitting on the edge of the bed.

He shortly came in the room from my bathroom and smiled at me.

"Are you wearing my shorts?" I laughed.

He nodded his head and kissed me, "I wanted something dry. My pants were wet."

"Well, I ran into Zacky on my way back to the room." I said handing Brian his glass, "He wants to take me to talk."

Syn looked at me funny and took a drink, "I hope its not bad."

"Me and you both, but wait here till I come back?" I asked him.

He smiled and nodded his head.

I got up and kissed him, then started looking for something to wear.

*Synyster's point of view.*

When Cyndy got ready, I followed her down stairs to find Zacky leaning in the doorway talking to Brandy, who was sitting on the couch.

"We'll be back in an hour or so." Zacky said as he put his arm around Cyndy and walked out the door.

"So, you had sex?" Brandy asked me, looking me up and down.

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "Not like you didnt."

"What do you like so much about her?" She asked me.

I gave her a funny look and leaned against the kitchen counter, "Shes a nice person, try getting to know her?"

"Im sorry Syn, I just, want the best for you." She said sadly.

I laughed and sat next to her, "Like I want the best for you?"

She nodded her head.

"Why didnt you tell me Zacky told Cyndy not to talk to me?" I asked her.

She looked at me shocked.

I wasnt mad, I just wanted an answer.

"I honestly dont know." She mummled.

I shook my head, "You do now. She got you with Zacky, so why not help me out?"

"Syn, she black mailed me to get me with Zacky." She told me.

I gave her a funny looked, "How?"

"Its in the past now." She said standing up, "But if it helps, I told Zacky to give you a shot."

I stood up and hugged her, "Thank you Brandy."

"Anytime. Syn, your my best friend and I dont know what I would do with out you." She told me.

I slightly pushed her and went to grab a beer from the fridge.

"You know." She said sitting on the couch, "Here and Zacky have been distance since then?"

"Really?" I asked sitting next to her again.

She nodded her head and turned on VH1's top rock countdown.

"I hope they work it out. The last thing he needs his to loose his sister." I told her.

Brandy rolled her eyes and we started watching the coutdown.

"Oh look, our new video is down to number 16." I laughed.

"Beast and the fucking Harlot." Brandy laughed.

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