Chapter Nine

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*Cyndy's point of view.*
I laid in my room, listening to music, just thinking about Syn. How bad I wanted him. How he wouldnt leave my mind. I couldnt stand it. I looked to my night stand and grabbed the valums. I went to take them, then relized, I had to get a glass of water. I sighed to myself and slipped them in my pocket, then creeped out of my room.

As I walked down he streets and pasted my brothers room, I herd cries and moans. I shook the discusting and angry thoughts from my head and found myself into the livingroom. I also found Syn sitting on the couch, curled up in the corner with a bottle of vodka.
I didnt say anything to him. I kept quiet and slowly made my way to the kitchen, trying not to get his attention.]

"Hey." Syn blurted out, "Why are you up?"

Shit, I thought. What do I say?

"Dont talk to me, your drunk." I said grabbing a glass and turning on the water.

"I am not drunk." He said as he walked into the kitchen and cornering me, "Now, what are you doing up?"

I took a sip of the water I had, "Getting a drink."

He nodded his head and I pushed past him, starting for my room, till he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

The bottle of valums hit the floor as the fell from my pocekt.

Syn reached down and picked them up trying to read them, "What are these?"

"Nothing." I said as I snatched them and rushed to my room.

I shut my door behind me and walked to my dresser. I opened the bottle of values and took two, downing them with the water I had. I slid down my dresser and started crying. The song that was coming on didnt help any either. It was Habbits by Tove Lo.

'You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time, to keep you off my mind.'

That was just it, he was still on my mind, so I had to take more valums.

As I got up and took a few more, I started to fell a little light headed and the thought of Syn slowly started to vanish. I knocked into my radio and got that stupid song on repeat, but out of now where, my room door busted open.

"Did you take those?!" Syn yelled at me.

I looked at him shocked and dropped what was left of the pills as I started crying.

I felt if I was about to hit the ground, but I couldnt stop myself from falling, then Syn caught me.

"Let me go!" I cried.

He wrapped his arms around me tight.

I tried pushing him off of me, but it didnt work.

I cried more, "Im trying to forget you!"

He gave me a funny look and slightly let go of me.

I slipped threw his arms and dropped to the floor trying to catch my breath, but I couldnt breath and I didnt understand why.

Thats when Syn grabbed me back up and carried my to my bathroom. He turned on the shower to hot as the water hit my clothed skin. I felt his grib on my tighten. He moved his hands to my neck and all of a sudden I started puking over the edge of the tub.

I took a deep breath and threw my head back looking up at Syn.

The water was hitting his shirt on his chest. I could tell he was crying.

"Dont ever do that again." He begged.

I closed my eyes for a momment, then opened them again as I felt him playing with my hair.

"Syn?" I mummled.

He stood up and pulled me up in front of him, "Are you okay?"

I nodded my head as I placed my hands on his shoulders, "I think so."

"Why?" He asked looking at me worried, "Why would you do something like that?"

I shurgged my shoulders and looked down between us, "Not like Zacky and all you guys dont."

"Not much really, no. And not out of depression." He told me.

I looked up at him.

"You said you were trying to forget me? Why?" He asked.

I herd that song playing from my radio all the way into the bathroom.

I sighed, "I had to find some way to keep you off my mind."

"But why?" He begged.

"I think im falling in love with you Brian." I told him, "And Zacky doesnt like it, so I told him I would stop talking to you and let you be, but I cant stop thinking about you."

Syn looked a me shocked.

"Brian?" I said.

He shook his head and kissed me. He ran his hand threw my hair and rested his forehead on mine, looking me in the eye.

"I think im falling for you too." He whispered.

I shook my head and he kissed me again, pressing me against the back on the shower.

The water ran over both of our faces like rain as he kept kissing me. I felt his ran on my hip, tugging on my shirt, slipping it off over my head. He quickly pulled his off and I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his again. He placed on hand on the wall behind me and rested his other on my lower back.

"We cant." I said breaking the kiss and looking him in the eye.

He leaned down and lightly kissed my neck, "Why not?"

"Zacky doesnt like it." I said biting my lip.

Syn chuckled and looked me in the eye, "So what?"

I shook my head and laughed as I clinged onto his neck, burring my face on his shoulder.

He stepped out of the tub and picked me up, carrying me toward the bed, but he sat me down, before laying me on the bed. He unbottoned my pants and I quickly pulled them off. He pushed me back on the bed and undid his pants, then crawled ontop of me.

"Are you ready?" He asked me.

I nodded my head and he kissed me again. I ran my hands down his side, admiring his already wet body from the shower. I bit my lip as he kissed down my chest, down my stomach. He bit my thighs and slowly pulled my panties off. He wrapped his arms around my legs and started to uses his tounge. I got a tight grip on my bedsheets and bit my lip, framing from moaning. I felt him giggled against my skin and I shot him a glare.

"No need for those faces." He said as he made his way back to my face and kissed me.

He grabbed my arms and placed them above my head. He kissed my cheeck, then the side of my mouth, the my lips, to my neck. He then let go of my hands with on hand and slowly stuck a finger inside me. I gasped in reaction. A smirked played across his lips and he started to use his finger faster. He addd another one and I slightly let out a quite moan wit his name, begging him to stop teasing me.

"Since you said my name." He smirked as he kissed me and entered me.

At first it hurt a bit, then I latched onto his arms as he slowly made his way deeper inside me. He kept going deeper and deeper, then stopped when he got as deep as he could.

"Brian." I moaned, "do me."

He smirked and started a slow pase.

The whole time, I couldnt get out of my head, how amazing this felt. How good his skin against mine felt. I didnt want this to end. Not ever. I loved him. I wanted him.

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