Chapter Three

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I landed at LAX in California and instently, headed for Johnny's bar. It might have been six in the morning, but I had no where to go. I had no place to stay, but I was to excited to even think about that. I wanted to see my brother and I was going to sit outside the bar until it opened.

The whole day, I watched as people walked by. Some stopped and talked to me, others handed me money. Some laughed and some glared, but I didnt care. I knew why I was sitting here. I wanted to meet my brother and I thought for sure, sooner or later, I would see him.

Randomly, an extreamly tall guy, covered in tattoos and had a lebret piercing, stood infront of me. He looked at me with this huge grin. It slightly freaked me out. I had no idea who he was. He would be a serial killer on the loose, but I didnt judge him.

"Yes?" I asked looking up at him.

He kelt down in front of me, "Why are sitting outside my bar?"

"Your bar?" I asked.

He laughed, "Well I come here every night, so I call it my bar."

"Oh." I said looking at the sidewalk, "Im waiting for someone."

"Are they meeting you here or you hope they show up?" He asked.

I sighed, "Hoping."

"Well, if they come to this bar, they wont be here till it opens." He laughed, "Where are you from?"

"Florida." I mummled.

He shook his head and stood up, holding out his hand, "Come, get out of this heat with me."

I gave him a funny look, then grabbed his hand.

He lead me a few blocks down the street, then stopped infront of this house. I gave him a weird looks as he smiled at me.

"Is this your house?" I asked him.

He nodded his head and started for the door, "Come on."

I shook my head no, "Why would I go into a strangers house?"

"Because you trust me?" He asked.

I glared at him and crossed my arms, "What if you are trying to kill me."

He shook his head, "I know why your here and im going to help you."

"How do you know why I am here?" I asked shocked.

He pulled out his phone and showed me a picture. A picture of Zacky. My brother.

"You know him!?" I asked excited.

He nodded his head and put his phone back in his pocket, "Hes one of my best friends. Were in a band together. Im their drummer. I knew you looked like someone I know. And Zacky was freaking out about seeing a girl verison of himself, so I assumed thats why you were here."

I nodded my head, then followed Jimmy in his house.

I looked around and sat my backpack on the floor next to the couch. It was a pretty good looking house for a rockstar.

"You can sit if you want, im going to call Zacky and invite him over." Jimmy said as he walked out the back door on the phone.

I sat down and started messing with my hands as I herd foot steps coming from the top of the stairs. As I looked up, a girl came running down them, with a guy chasing her. The guy looked fimilur, it was that Johnny guy from the bar.

"Whoa, I know you." He said looking at me.

The girl crossed her arms and looked me up an down, then shot a glare Jimmys way.

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