Chapter Six

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*Zacky's point of view.*

I bought Brandy a drink and watched as Syn followed my sister to a booth in the back. I didnt know to like it that my friend was into a girl, or hate it, then my sister was with a guy who can be a major asshole.

"Zacky." Brandy said snapping me from my thoughts.

I quickly looked at her, "Yea, what?"

"Chill. Syn wont hurt her." She laughed.

"You dont know that." I snapped, "Im sorry, I just, shes knew to me and I dont know how to act. I mean, with Zina, it was different, she was way younger and Matt and I just, he handled her more then I did, cause I always felt like something was missing inside, you know?"

Brandy nodded her head.

"Im sorry, Im spilling my random thoughts and feelings. You probably dont want to hear." I said slightly laughing.

She shook her head, "No its okay, you can talk to me, Im not just here for Syn, but you and everyone else."

I smiled at her, "Thanks, your a good friend."

Her smiled, slowly faded and she finished off her drink.

"How about I buy you another, because your a good friend?" I asked her.

She slightly smiled and nodded.

I looked back over at my sister and my friend. They were laughing, having fun. Syn was flirting with her pretty hardcore and I dont think I liked it at all. It really made me mad actually.

"Brandy, could you do me a huge favor?" I asked her.

She nodded, "Anything."

I stood up off the stool and grabbed my keys from my pocket, "Bring my sister home will you? I cant watch him flirt with her like that?"

She looked kind of heart broked, but agreed to bring her back home and safe.

I walked up to the table Cyndy and Syn were at.

"Yo, what up Z man!" Syn laughed.

I shot him a glare, then leaned toward Cyndy's ear, "Im going home, but dont worry, Brandy is going to bring you home."

She looked up at me and nodded her head, "Okay, I'll see you in the morning then?"

I nodded my head, "We'll go catch some breakfest and I'll take you around town."

She smiled at me, then I walked off out the door.

That morning, I woke up around 9am and started down the hall to the livingroom. I found my sister pasted out on the couch. I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen. I looked at all the jucies and had no idea, what she liked. I sighed and checked my phone and had a few messages from Syn. He told me he had fun hanging out with my sister and thanked me for letting her stay. Then he messaged me, telling me, she hated juice, but liked chocolate milk, so I could have her something when she woke up.

I tossed my phone across the table in angry and starred at the fridge. I was pissed, he learned about my sister, before I could, but I put that aside and got her a glass of chocolate milk, then went to the livingroom to wake her.

"Shit, what time is it?" She asked looking around.

I sighed, "9:30. Go take a shower and change, then I'll take you for breakfest."

She smiled and ran off upstairs.

*Cyndy's point of view.*

After I got all cleaned up, changed and ate breakfest with Zacky, it was almost noon. He was driving around showing me the school he went to, telling me all the trouble he would get in, things he liked and I told him alot about me, then my phone went off.

"Whos that?" Zacky asked as we got out of the car at a local store.

I laughed as I read the message, then looked at Zacky, putting my phone away, "Syn, well Brian. You know, thats confussing."

"You already gave him you number?" He asked me as we went inside.

I nodded my head, "So? Oh! But anyways, how did you and Brandy do?"

He was looking at a rack of clothes and didnt answer me.

"Zacky, you and Brandy?" I said poking him.

He looked at me funny, "What about us?"

I laughed, "How did you guys do last night?"

"What do you mean?" He laughed.

I shook my head, "Do you like her?"

He shrugged his shoulders, "I dont know. I bought her two drinks then got tired, so I went home."

"Oh." I said as I made my way over to the dresses.

Zacky followed me and looked at the with me, "How about you and Syn? Hit it off well?"

I smiled and nodded my head, "Yea, we did actually."

"Great." He said sarcasted as he rolled his eyes.

Once we got done shopping ,we went to lunch. Syn kept blowing my phone up and I tried not to reply to him, but I couldnt help it. Not to long into lunch, Zacky got tired of Syn texting me and took my phone.

"Stop talking to Syn, hes a bad influence, plus your suppose to be getting to know me." Zacky snapped.

I growled and slammed my hands on the table, "alright, lets talk about you then, have a girlfriend?"

He shook his head no.

"Want one?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "It would be nice."

"Brandy likes you. Alot." I blurtted out.

He gave me a shocked look, "Really?"

I nodded my head, "If you would pay her attention, maybe you would noticed it."

He growled, "Maybe if I didnt have a twin sister or if my best friend wasnt hitting on her, I could pay attention."

I gasped, "Your really pinning it on me?"

He nodded his head, "Stop the shit with Syn."

"Fine." I said as I grabbed my phone and deteled his number, then got up, "Take me home."

"Fine." Zacky said as he got up and followed me out to the car.

When we got back to his house, I stormed off upstairs and fell on my bed. I glared up at the celinen. I couldnt get Syn off mind. Or the fact my new brother was a pain in my fucking ass.

"Cyndy." Zacky said knocking on my door, "Can we talk?"

"No!" I barked, "Leave me alone."

"Ugh!" I herd him yell and walked back down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and dug threw my bag, then found a bottle of Jack I had brought with me. I cracked it open and started thinking about Syn and how good he made me feel. But now, I started to fell bad. Alone. So empty. I couldnt stand it. Maybe coming out here to find Zacky was a bad idea..

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