Chapter Fifteen

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*Ten Years Later.*

*Cyndy's point of view.*

I had just got home from going out with Brandy. The two of us had gotten close over the years. So close, we were each other's maid's of honor at our wedding. Its weird how close we were now, since when we met, we baisclly hated each other, but it was a good thing. After all, she married my twin brother.

"Brian." I called out as I walked into an empty livingroom.


I stayed quiet and listened. I started to here music playing.

I picked up a few toys off the ground and took them to my sons room, which was empty as well.

Then, I started to follow where the music was coming from, which led me to the at home studio we had.

Sure enough, there, I found my husband and child, having a jam fest.

Brian was teaching James one of their songs called, Buried Alive. James was playing the crap out of the solo.

"Are you seeing this?!" Brian asked me, over excited.

I nodded my head and walked over to him, leaning on him as he played with our son. Our son played the solo as Brian played Zacky's parts, which was rythem guitar.

"Holy shit son." I laughed, "Thats soo good! I proud of you."

James sat his dads guitar down and jumped in my lap.

"For a six year old, he sure can jam!" Brian laughed as he put his guitars away.

James smiled as I sat him down. He looked at his dad and smiled even bigger, "Does this mean I get my own guitar?!"

"For your birthday, maybe, we will see, go run and play." He told him.

James listened and took off out of the studio and to his room.

Brian followed me into the kitchen.

"His birthday is coming soon, you didnt get him one for chirstmas, so I think you should." I told him as I started getting things out to make dinner.

Brian wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek, "Okay, I'll get him a guitar, custom made for him."

"Thank you." I smiled at him.

He rested his head on my chest and held on to me tight.

"Brian." I slightly laughed, "I have to cook. Zacky and Brandy are coming for dinner."

"I know, I just, need a momment." He said sadly.

I ran my hand threw his hair, "Jimmy?"

He nodded his head, "I miss my best friend babe."

"I know you do baby." I said hugging onto him.

"James would have loved him." He said looking at me sad.

I nodded my head, "I know he would have."

"Thank you for letting me name him after Jimmy." He told me.

"Of course babe." I said as he let me go and I started cooking.

He laughed, "Its funny how he was born on Jimmys birthday. His first birthday, he was gone."

I shook my head and smiled.

Later on the day, after we ate, Zacky and Brandy were hanging out in the livingroom with us watching James and Zachary play. They were so cute and James loved his cousin.

"I need another beer." Zacky said as he got up and went into the kitchen.

Syn followed him.

I rolled my eye and laughed with Brandy.

"Those two are something arent they?" She asked me.

I nodded my head and looked at my son, "So is that one."

"God I know what you mean." Brandy laughed.

"Val and I are taking them to the zoo while those two going to the studio with Matt. Do you and Zachary Jr wanna join us?" I asked her.

She nodded her head, "I'd love to."

"Hey, are you ready to go babe?" Zacky asked Brandy walking back into the living room

She nodded her head and picked up Zachary, "Yea, whenever you are."

"Go get Zachary in and start the car, I'll be there in a minute." Zacky told her.

Brandy did what he asked and went outside.

"I'll see you tomorrow dude." Brian said hugging Zacky. He looked at me and kissed me, "I'll put James to bed."

I nodded my head and Brian took a very tired James to his room.

"Come on, I'll walk you outside." I told Zacky as I followed him out the door.

He stopped half way between our house and his car and looked at me.

"What is it?" I asked him.

He hugged me tight, "Im glad I found you."

"Im glad I found you too." I laughed, "You gave me a good family and on great life."

"Twins for life?" He smirked holding on his hand.

I grabbed his hand and held it tight, "Forever."

He gave me one last hug, then walked to his car.

I stood in the door way and watched as he pulled out and onto the road.

I walked back inside and grabbed a glass and poured some whine into it that Zacky had brought over.

"James in bed and past out." Brian said walking into the kitchen from the hall.

I smiled at him and he poured a glass of whine for himsef, then wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"I love our little family." He whispered in my ear.

"I do too." I said looking at all the pictures in the livingroom.

Brian let me go and made me face him, giving me a perfect kiss.

"Lets go to bed?" He suggested with a smirk.

I nodded my head, "You go on, give me a minute."

He kissed my cheek and sat his glass down, then went up the stairs to our bed room.

I grabbed his glass and it in the kitchen, placing it in the sink with mine. I walked back out into the livingroom and looked at the pictures again. I looked at the picture the day James was born. How litle he was. I looked at his first birthday and so on. Then I looked at the picutre of Zacky and I when we were born. Our mom had a copy and gave us each one. Then I looked at one of us the day we met each other. Then the last one we took on chirstmas last month. Then the one of Brian and I on our wedding day. It was a lovely day and I lovely wedding. But last, I looked at the last picture Brian and I took with Jimmy Sullivan. It was at download fest 2009, in the UK. I was pregnet with James and they just got off stage. I felt sad. I missed Jimmy. I hated he was gone. If it wasnt for him, I might have never met Zacky or Brian. I hated that I didnt spend as much time with him as I could.

"Babe." Brian called for me from the top of the steps.

I quickly whipped my eyes and turned to him, "Im coming."

He smiled at me and disapired back into the bed room.

I laughed and walked down the hall to my sons bedroom. He was fast asleep. So quite. So still.

"Hes beautiful isnt he?" Brian said popping up behind me.

I jumped a little and nodded my head, "He sure is. He looks a lot like you."

"Good." Brian said as he kissed me.

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