Chapter Tweleve

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That weenkend we spent up in Olympian, Washington at our grandparents. They were shocked to see me. I was shocked, they knew about me. Apperently, they wanted to take me and rasie me ,but it was too late when they found out what had happened. I herd stories about my real parents when they were kids. Some about Zacky when he was a baby. I learn about my other brother and sister I havent met yet. And apperently, mom talked to grandma about me, alot, everyday until they moved to Califorina.

"Are you ready?" Zacky said as we walked off the plan.

I took a deep breath and shook my head no, "Are they really picking us up from the airport."

"Actually, no. Matt is." He told me as we walked down the steps to get our bags.

As we walked up to bagage clam, there was a guy, who slightly looked like Zacky, only younger and a different hair style, holding a sign that says Vengeance.

"Matt!" Zacky yelled running to him and hugging him.

"Missed you bro, is that, our sister?" Matt asked looking at me.

I smiled and nodded my head, "Im Cyndy."

"Wow, for a girl, you both really do look like twins." Matt laughed.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag.

"Is Zina in yet?" Zacky asked his brother as we walked to the car.

He shook his head no, "She had things to take care of, then she would be up tomorrow."

"Good, she doesnt know about Cyndy yet, only you do." Zacky told him.

"Why?" I asked him as we got in the car.

Zacky laughed, "Zina cant keep her mouth shut. Matt here is the secrect keeper."

"Yea, what he said." Matt laughed as we drove off from the airport.

As we arrived Zacky and I's parents, I got more and more nerves.

"ARe you coming?" Matt and Zacky both asked me as they got out of the car.

I shook my head no and stayed in the car.

Matt rolled his eys and went inside.

"Whats wrong?" Zacky asked me.

I felt tears run down my face, "I know you've told me everything and they loved me and wanted me, but that small thought in the back of my mind says, they never wanted me and will never like me."

"Cyndy come on, your being crazy." He said reaching for my hand.

I took a deep breath and took his hand as he led me inside.

Zacky walked into the livingroom and told me to stand in the hall. He took my bags and sat them down along with his.

"Zackary, why on earth do you have so many bags?" I herd a woman say.

Zacky glanced at me with a smile, then back at his parents, "Mom, I brought someone with me.

I herd a gasped as the woman spoke with excitment, "Is it a girl?! Do you have a serious girlfriend finally?"

Zacky laughed and shook his head as he motioned for me to walk to him.

I shook my head no, but Matt, some how, made his way behind me and pushed me to Zaackys reach.

He pulled me in front of him, "Mom, Dad, I found my twin sister."

I looked at the two sitting on the couch and they had stunn looks on their faces.

I didnt know what to say or do. I couldnt move. I was froze.

The woman stood up and looked me up and down. She slightly touched my arm like she was scared to touch me. Like I was fragial.

"Zackary, how?" She said in tears looking at him.

Zacky wrapped his arm around my neck and smiled, "She found me actually."

"Cynthia." She looked at me amazed, "Your so grown up."

I nodded my head and she hugged me.

The next few hours, we sat and talked. I learned more about my parents. About Zacky and my other brother, Matt. They were just like me. They were exactly what I was missing my life and I found them. I coudlnt wait to see what Zina was like.

"Oh, please tell me Zina knows?" My mom asked Zacky.

He laughed and shook his head no, "She doesnt, but shes coming up tomorrow."

"Good! I will make a big dinner tomorrow. Oh shit, what am I going to do tonight?" She said freaking out.

I laughed and Zacky hugged her calming her down.

"We'll go out tonight, my treat?" Zacky smiled.

Mom nodded her head, "I must get ready then!"

"Crap Zacky, I have nothing nice to wear." I said glaring at him.

Mom grabbed my hand, "None senese, come with me darling, I'll have something you can wear."

With that, she dragged me back to her room. She let go of my hand and walked in her walk-in closet.

"Whats your favorite color sweat heart?" She asked me.

"Purple." I told her as I started looking at all the pictures she had out.

With in momments, she came out of the closet with a dark purple dress that wasnt to fancy.

"Wow thats pretty." I said looking at.

She smiled and handed it to me, "I wore it to my highschool dance."

"Oh wow really?" I asked her shocked.

She nodded her head and pulled out an old picture. She showed it to me and sure enough, it was her in that dress at a dance.

"Whos that guy?" I asked.

She laughed, "Some dumb boy I was head over heels for."

I laughed and went to put on the dress. I came back out and showed it to her.

"Oh my god, you look beautiful. Just like I did." She smiled.

I shook my head, "never."

"Tell my Cynthia, do you have a boy?" She randomly asked me.

I felt my heart jump when she asked me and Syn popped in my head, "Kind of."

"Oh, whats his name?" She asked.

I laughed, "You wont believe me, but hes in the band with Zacky."

"Oh godness, tell me its not that Johnny boy. Hes a hand full." She laughed.

I shook my head, "No, hell no. Hes to shot for me."

"Good girl," She said hugging me, "So which is it?"

"Brian." I said looking at her.

Her eyes lit up, "He perfect."

"Is he really?" I asked, "Zacky didnt like the idea at first."

She shook her head, "Honey, Brian has a heart of gold. Just as Jimmy and Zacky does. They all do, but its something about him, that I see in your future."

"Are you damn girls ready yet?" Dad said walking in the room with Zacky.

"Dad, chill." Zacky laughed.

Mom stood up and walked to dad, "James, we were just catching up, but look at her."

"Maria, I think she looks alot like you." He said.

Zacky walked up to me and hugged me, "I agree."

"Come on then, lets get out of here and get some food! Im starving!" Matt said as he walked in the room.

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