Chapter Fourteen

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*Synyster's point of view.*

As soon as I got off the phone with Brandy, I quickly got in the shower at my dads and got ready. I had no time to go back to place. I had to see Cyndy. I missed her. I wanted her. I didnt want to think I was ignoring her or forgot about her, so I picked up a few purple colored roses and stopped a red box, renting a few new horro movies I knew Zacky didnt have, then was on my way to Zackys to see Cyndy.

I knocked on the door and shortly, Brandy answered it, then stepped out on the porch with me.

"What? Whats going on? I asked slightly worried.

Brandy laughed and shook her head, "Calm down, I just wanted to talk to you first."

"Okay, about what?" I asked suppessious.

"About Cyndy." She said getting serious.

I glared at her, "What about her?"

"Brian, damn it, stop being protective!" She snapped at me.

I slightly jumped and looked at her waiting for more.

"I wanted to tell you, I aprove of her. We spent the last thirty minutes talkings and your right, shes cool. She knows Im okay with you and her now." She told me.

I looked at Brandy shocked, "Your joking?"

"No!" She said slapping me, "I am not, now go, get in there. Good luck."

I shot her a glare, then hugged her, "Thank you."

"Your welcome." She laughed at me.

Zacky flung the door, nearly hitting me, "Opps sorry dude. Got to go, go a movie to catch! Be good to my sister."

I shook my head and walked in the house, down the hall to the livingroom.

It was empty.

"Was it the pizza?" I herd Cyndy yell from her room, "I got some movies of us to watch, if you still have enough time for one."

I slightly laughed and stood at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for her.

Sure enough, she slowly started coming down the stairs, not paying any attention. She had on pj shorts and a VU tank top.

"Zacky, did you hear me?" She snapped as she looked up. She froze and looked at me shocked, "Your not Zacky."

I shook my head no and handed her the flowers I had in my hand, "No, im Brian."

"I thought you were busy?" She asked shocked taking the flowers.

"I was, but when I got Brandys phone call, I rushed to get ready and came right over." I told her, "Im sorry I didnt return your calls. I left my phone in my car."

She smiled at me and smelled the roses, "These a pretty."

I laughed and handed her the movies I rented, "They're new."

"Oo! As Above, So Below! I've been wanting to see this!" She said excited as she handed me the flowed and rushed to the tv.

I rolled my eyes and started for the kitchen, "I'll put these in some water."

"Okay!" She yelled at me.

I put the flowers in a vase, then grabbed two beers from the fridge, making my way back to the livingroom. I sat the flowers on a table near the sliding doors the back yard, then sat on the couch next to Cyndy, handing her a beer.

"Thanks." She smiled at me.

I streached my arm out and wrapped it around her neck.

She slightly glared at me, then cuddle up close to me.

"Im glad your back." I said smiling down at her.

She looked up at me and kissed me, "Im glad im back took."

I laugehd and looked back at the tv.

As the movie started coming on, the door bell rang from the pizza. I sigh and paused it, going to the door to get the pizza.

Threw the whole movie, we cuddle, drank beer, and are pizza. It was simple, yet perfect. I missed her, so I was happy with whatever I got.

Once the movie was over I yawned a little and streached out on the couch, as Cyndy got up and turned the dvd player off.

"What now?" I asked.

She shurgged her shoulders, "Your tired arent you?"

I shook my head no and motioned for her to come on to me.

She rolled her eye, but walked up to me and sat on my stomach.

"We could listen to music?" I suggested.

She laughed and leaned down to kissed me, but I wrapped my arms around her and held onto her tight.

"Brian!" She laughed, "Let me go turn the music on!"

"Only if you make some hot chocolate." I said eyeing her.

She nodded her head, "Fine."

I pukered my lips out for a kiss.

She sighed, then kissed me and I let her go.

She jumped off of me and ran into the kitchen.

I grabbed controller and turned on the system Zacky had, then went to youtube. I instently pulled up old Metallica videos, then curled up in the corner of the couch.

"Here." Cyndy said coming out of the kitchen and handing me a cup.

She sat next to me and took a sip of hers.

"I love you." I told her blankly, "Thank you."

She smiled at me, then looked back at the tv.

I sat my cup down on the table, then took hers from her, doing the same.

"What now?" She whined.

I made her face me and grabbed her face in my hands, then kissed her with passion, "I said I love you."

Her face turned red and she hugged me, buring her face in my chest.

"I love you too." She mummled.

I laughed and looked at her, "Not shy are we?"

She glared at me and crossed her arms.

I kissed her cheek and handed her hot chocolate back to her.

She leaned back on my and looked back at the tv.

I grabbed a cover and covered both of us up and held onto her close.

All I could think was, god I loved this woman.

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