Chapter Two

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That next week, we were back home in Florida and couldnt be more out of my fucking mind. I was gonig insane, not knowing anything, so I started looking up 'Zackary Vengeance' on the interenet, to see what I could find and shockingly, I found him. He was a rockstar.

I looked more up about him and found out his last name was Baker. And he was born in Washington, which is where I came from. We also, shared the same birthday, December 11, 1981. The more I learned about him, the weirder it got for me and I couldnt handle it anymore.

"Hey loserrrr." My brother said, busting threw my room.

I sighed and glared at him.

"What I do!?" He asked defencive.

I laughed and started out of my room to the livingroom. I gazed at all the pictures on the wall of me with my so called 'family.' I couldnt get over how different I looked from them. How I didnt fit and I found myself in tears.

"Sweety, whats wrong?" My mom said coming from the kitchen, hearing my cries.

I looked at her broken, "I want to know about my real parents."

"What on earth has you worked up about this all of a sudden? You are 23 and just now flipping about this?" She asked as she sat across from me.

I nodded my head, "I saw someone while we were on vacation and he looked like me. He looked my age. I went and found out his name and looked him up. We share the same birthday and are from the same state, who is he?"

My mom sighed and looked me in the eye, "Hes your twin brother."

I felt my heart jump and I looked at my mom shocked.

"It was about time you would learn who he is, since hes a rockstar and all now." My mom sighed, "The day we were born, we were in Washington, for a couple who we were adopting their baby. They couldnt have time for it, and thats what we wanted to do, was take them and give them a home."

"But, it wasnt me?" I asked.

She shook her head, "At first it wasnt, but they changed their mind after they held the baby in their arms. We started to leave and head back down here to Florida, when the doctor of another mother, pulled us aside and asked us how we worked."

I looked at her, wanting to know more, "Go on."

"We explained to him, what we did and how to go about it, then he introduced us to your real birth mother and father." She started to explained, "Their situaction was, they had twins, but planned for only one child. They couldnt take care of two babies, not at the same time. So, we did all the paper work, then the chose to keep the boy. They told me they had named you and wanted me to keep it, so in their honor, we kept your name as Cynthia. His, was Zackary."

"Why did they chose him over me?" I asked, near in tears.

My mom hugged me, "It wasnt the fact it was just you, it was a boy was easy to take care of and wouldnt be so much financully."

I shook my head, "Did you keep in touch with them?"

"For a little while. A few years later, they had another boy, whom is Matt. Then even later, Zina. Finally a girl." She told me.

Now, I was crying, "They didnt want me back?"

"They didnt want to take you from the enviorment you have gotten use to. By the time Zina was born, you were ten. You and Zackary had no idea about one another." She told me.

I shook my head, "I dont care. I want to know my brother."

"You dod know me!" Hunter said popping into the living room.

I glared at him, "My real bother."

"Cyndy," My mother snapped, "Hunter is as much your brother as Zacky is."

"No, hes not." I said as I started toward my room.

"Yes he is!" My mom said following me.

I grabbed my suitecase and started my clothes in it. I snatched my backpack and tossed a few things in it as well.

"Where do you think your going?" My mother asked shocked.

I tossed my bag over my shoulder and looked her in the eye, "To find my brother."

I walked passed my mother and walke out the front door. I cought a cab, and headed for the airport. I was ready to find everything out. I wanted to know what my brother was like. I couldnt believe I had a twin. A fucking twin brother. I wanted to know him. I wanted to be his sister, but the real question was, did he want to know me? Did he want to be my brother?

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