Chapter Four

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"How about instead of standing there frozen, looking at each other, do like the mirror mimic thing." Syn joked.

Zacky and I both glared at him.

"Ah yes! Like that!" He laughed.

Zacky rolled his eyes and looked at me, taking a deep breath, "Excuse my retarded friend."

I smiled, "Its fine."

"Um, would you like to go talk?" He asked me.

I nodded my head.

He looked at Jimmy.

"You guys can go out back if you like." Jimmy said pointing to the door.

Zacky smiled and escorted me toward the door.

As we walked pasted Syn, he smirked and chuckled to himself. I sat him a glare, as well as Zacky did.

"Damn!" Syn laughed, "Chill."

Zacky and I laughed, then went out to the back porch.

I took a deep breath and watched Zacky walked to the railing.

"So your birthday, December 11th?" He asked.

I nodded my head and walked up next to him, "1981. Olympia, Washington."

"I had no idea." He said looking at me, "When did you leave? Do you know?"

I sighed, "A few days after we were born. My adopted parents came from Florida to adopt another baby, but that fail threw, then I came up and they took me back with them."

"Did you know about me before?" He asked, kind of hurt.

I shook my head no, "I had just found out after I saw you a few weeks ago. I asked my mom about it when we got back and she told me everything."

Zacky shook his head, "Im still pretty dumbfounded. I thought Zina was my only sister, but I have a fucking twin sister."

"I thought I was an only child and that my real parents just didnt want me, but they had to give me up." I said sadly, "What were they like?"

"They were good parents. They put me threw baseball and stuff. They bought me my first guitar just before we moved to Hunting Beach." He told me.

I nodded my head, near in tears.

Zacky hugged me, "If I knew, I had a twin sister, I would have begged them to get you back."

"You really want a twin sister?" I asked.

He laughed and nodded his head, "We could have got into soo much trouble together, more trouble then I did alone."

I laughed as well, "That wouldnt be good."

"It would have beenfun though, admit it." He said looking at me.

I nodded my head.

"What were you like growing up? I could see us trying to actually look like each other to see if people could tell us apart." He said.

"I was into sports. I played softball. Major tomboy growing up." I laughed.

He shook his head, "See, we missed out on a lot."

"Sadly." I said looking over the rail at the beach.

He wrapped his arm around my neck and smiled, "We will make up for it."

"Really?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "Come live with me."

"For real?" I asked shocked.

He nodded his head again, "My sister is welcome no matter what."

I quickly hugged him with happy tears, "I cant wait to get to know you better."

"I cant wait to get to know you." He said looking at me, "Lets go out tonight. All of us!"

"Sounds like a plan!" I yelled excited as we went back into the house.

Shortly, we left Jimmys. We had a long talk about cars, where he lived now, and what room I would be staying in on the drive to his place. When we got there I went to unpack and laid on the bed, looking up at the celile. I couldnt believe I had found my brother. My twin brother. I was extremely happy, he wanted to get to know me. I was so greatful for him letting me randomly stay with him.

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