Chapter Eight

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*Zacky's point of view.*

"Everyone is suppose to start getting here around seven." I said as Brandy worked on sitting the drinks out.

She walked up to me and smiled, "Calm down. Im gunna go run to the store and get a few more things."

"Thank you babe." I smiled kissing her, then watched her walk out the door.

I was throwing a small party for all our friends to hang out together. In the back of my mind, it was a bad idea, but what could go wrong?

"Play a game of zombies before everyone shows up?" I asked my sister as I sat on the couch next to her.

She nodded her head and snatched up the other controller.

We sat there and played a few rounds till someone knocked on the door. I got up and answered it. It was Jimmy, Matt, and Val.

"Lets go outside." I said escorting them to the back door.

Jimmy grabbed a beer from the cooler and jumped right into the pool.

"Dude, can you not?" Matt laughed.

Jimmy shook his yet hair at us and laughed, "Nope."

"You have another guest." Cyndy said depressed as she walked out back to us.

Syn was behind her.

He didnt look happy. He also looked drunk already.

"Dude, did you drive?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "I took a cab, but im pretty much stuck here, so im crashing tonight, is that fine?"

I nodded my head as he walked past me and grabbed a beer.

Mid party, everyone was good and drunk, minus the DD's. Cyndy stayed inside most of the time playing video games, but would come out and eat, then go back in. I hated she felt so bad, maybe I was over reacting with the Syn thing.

I watched Syn go into the house as Brandy and I talked to everyone else. Not to long after Syn went in, so did Brandy. Then, came yelling.

I rushed inside to find Brandy and Cyndy screaming at each other.

"Hey!" I yelled pushing them on the oppisit couches, "Whats going on?"

"She was talking to Syn." Brandy blurted out.

I slightly glared at Cyndy, "Is that true?"

"He asked me what was wrong and I told him nothing, then she started yelling." Cyndy said.

I sighed, "Go to your room."

Cyndy growled and did what she was told.

Brandy smiled at me, but I shook my head, "Go take a shower and cool down."

She gasped at me, then walked off upstairs.

I looked at Syn and he was sitting in the dinning room leaned back in the chair.

"Im sorry dude." I told him.

He shurgged his shoulers, "Its whatever man. Not like she would want me anyways."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

He got up and walked to the kitchen, I followed him.

"She just up and stopped talking to me. When I asked her way, she just said she didnt care. She didnt want to lead me on or some shit." He said shaking his head, "She said she wanted to focas on getting to know you."

"Really?" I asked shocked.

He nodded his head and downed the beer in seconds.

I had no idea, he didnt know, I asked her to stop talking to him.

"Did you really care about her dude?" I asked.

He looked at me for a long minute, then spoke, "I actually did. I was gunna try with her, but whatever."

I started to say something else but he walked off to the guest room.

*Brandy's point of view.*

I finishd up in the shower and snatched Zackys rope, tying it around myself. I looked at the clock and noticed I was in ther shower for almost an hour, so I creeped into the livingroom to see what was going on.

Zacky was sitting on the couch in the livingroom, starring at the black tv screen.

"Babe, are you asleep?" I asked him.

He opened his eyes and looked at me, "No, just thinking."

"About what?" I asked walking up to him.

He shurgged his shoulders, "Just everything."

"Has everyone left?" I asked.

He nodded his head, "Well, except Syn. Hes in the guest room."

I smirked at him and bit my lip, grabbing his hand, "Come relax."

He looked at me confused, then quickly smirked and chased me back to his room.

I jumped toward the bed, but Zacky grabbed my by the waste, pulling me to him.

I slightly yelled with laugher, but he covered my mouth and leaned toward my ear.

"Be quite." He smiled agaisnt my skin.

He loosened his grib on me and I face him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He slowly pushed me back on the bed. I felt him untie the robe as he kissed my neck.

"Oh prepared for me where you?" He laughed as he looked me up and down.

I nodded my he and pulled him to be, crashing my lips against his. I then, quickly slipped his shirt off. I wanted to feel his skin agaisnst mine.

It didnt take him to long, before he had his pants and boxers off, having his way with me. It felt amazing. The best sex we ever had, actually.

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