Chapter Thirteen

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*Zacky's point of view.*

Our a few days with our parents, came to a sad end. I hated to go and so did Cyndy, but we would be back, very soon. When Zina arrived, Cyndy fell in love. Her and Zina hit it off great. That dispired for a whole day. Its like they were never apart. Zina was coming over to our place this weekend to stay so Cyndy can meet her little family. Which was great, I missed my niece and nephew.

"I just called Brandy, shes coming right over, have you got ahold of Syn yet?" I asked Cyndy as I walked up to her room.

She shook her head no, sadly, "He wont answer."

"He wil, dont worry." I smiled at her.

The two of us walked down stairs to the livingroom.

"You dont think, he forgot about me? We were gone for almost two weeks Zacky." She said sadly.

I looked at her and instently felt bad, "Dont worry. He more then likely has a very good reason and im sure Brandy will tell us."

She nodded her head and slumped back on the couch.

I didnt want to leave her here alone, while Brandy and I went out. So I texted Brandy and asked if we could stay in, eat pizza, watch some movies. She agreed.

"Wanna play some games before Brandy gets here?" I asked Cyndy.

She nodded her head with a small smile.

I got up and tossed her a controler, and grabbed the other, then sat on the couch as the system came on.

Shorty, a few games and rounds of zombies later, Brandy arrrived.

"Oh, by the way, were staying in a watching movies with you, if thats okay?" I said as I rushed to answer the door.

"What? Ass!" She yelled as I ran down the hall to answer the door.

I opened it to a smiling Brandy.

She quickly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me, "I missed you!"

I gave her a simple sweet kiss, "I missed you too."

"So you two work things out?" She asked me as we walked to the living room.

She nodded her head and curled up in the corner on the couch.

"Yea, but I think Zina is more happy to have a sister then anything." I laughed.

Brandy smiled, "Thats good, so what kinda of pizza are we getting?"

I shurgged my shoulders, "I havent ordered it yet, but about to."

"I want stuff pepparoni!" Cyndy yelled as I walked into the kitchen.

Brandy followed me and hopped up on the counter.

"What would you like?" I asked her.

She shurgged her shoulders, "Anything."

I called the pizza place and stood inffront of Brandy.

She mesed with my hair as I order the pizza.

"Alright thats done." I said hanging the phone up and placing mys on each side of her, "What have you done these past two weeks?"

"Missing you." She pouted.

I smiled and kissed her, "How sweet."

"Very," She laughed against my lips, "why are we staying in?"

I sighed, "I didnt want to leave Cyndy behind alone. Brian wont answer her calls."

"Oh, hes out at his dads helping him build something for McKenna's birth day." She told me, "He should be done in a few hours."

"Really?" I asked her.

She nodded her head.

"Then, I think I just ordered Cyndy and Syn a pizza." I laughed as I pulled Brandy off the counter.

She laughed an kissed me, "Then where are we gunna go?"

"How about, a late movie, dinner, then the beach?" I suggested.

She smiled and nodded her head, "I like that idea."

"Then, we should go back to your place, leave Cyndy and Syn in piece." I told her.

"Sounds like a plan." She nodded and kissed me again.

I went back into the livingroom with Cyndy while Brandy called Syn's dad, to get ahold of him and tell him what was going on.

"Wheres Brandy?" Cyndy asked me as I sat next to her.

I looked at the kitchen and Brandy gave me a thumbs up as she talked on the phone.

"Taking care of some things. Were actually gunna go out in a bit, so we just got you a pizza." I told her.

She had a sad look on her face, then nodded her head.

"But untill the movie we wanan see comes on, were going to stay here and im going to beat your ass at some more Zombies." I laughed picking up a controler.

She snatched the other controller, "The hell you say!"

Brandy came back in the room and leaned toward me ear, "He'll be here in thirty mins."

I nodded my head, "That gives ten minutes to get to the theater."

"What are you talking about?" Cyndy asked me.

I smiled at her and she shot me a glare.

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