Chapter Five

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As the day grew darker, I was getting ready to go out to the bar with my long lost brother and his friends. I couldnt wait to get to know his friends. Specially that Syn guy. I was really interested in him.

Eailer before it got dark, Zacky took me shopping. It was really nice and I got to know him alittle more. I got to learn about his style and what he liked. We had the same taste in clothes, which was pretty great.

I was finished up my makeup and going threw the clothes I had gotten today and picked out a black strapless, leather dress.

"Are you ready?" Zacky called for me from the living room.

I freaked out a little and ran the straighener over my hair one last time, "Almost!"

I unplugged my flat iron and quickly made my way down the stairs to the livingroom. Zacky was leaning against the door going threw his phone.

"Does it look okay?" I asked him, getting his attention.

He quickly looked up at me and had a stunned look on his face.

"As my sister? Or a random guy?" He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Sister of course."

"Something else! My friends and everyone else, would be all over you in that strapless leather dress." He laughed, "But as I guy, I dig it."

"Thanks Zacky, your alot of help." I said sarcasticly as I started out the door.

He shurgged his shoulders and followed me, "You asked."

Shortly, we arrived and all his friends from ealier were sitting in a room off to the side of everything else, playing pool. A few other people I hadden seen before, were there as well. All eyes turned to both Zacky and I as we apporched them.

"Dude, I thought she was your twin sister, not your twin stripper." Johnny joked.

I glared at him.

Zacky sighed, "Shut up Christ."

"Yea, Seward, shut it." A tall guy with sunglasses on laughed.

I looked at him funny, "Why were sunglasses inside?"

"Oh, I forgot I had them off." He laughed talking them off, "Im Matt."

I smiled at him and shook his hand.

He had beauitful blue eyes.

"Play any pool?" Brandy randomly asked me.

I looked at her and Syn was leaned against the wall behind her, being offelly quiet.

"A little, im not that good." I laughed.

She looked me up and down and shook her head, "I can tell, but lets play anyways."

I rolled my eyes and walked up to Syn, grabbing a stick off the wall.

He slightly looked at me from the side as he picked his gaze up from the floor.

I smiled, then walked back to the pool table.

"How about we play teams?" Zacky suggested, "Me and my new found sister, against you and Gates."

"I dont want to play." Syn said looking at all of us.

Brandy walked up to him and looked him in the eye. She leaned to his ear and whispered something to him.

A smiled played across his lips as he nodded his head.

"Stakes must be made though." Brandy said looking at me, then Zacky, "Thats the only way he will play."

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