Put Your Best Foot Forward

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Now let's talk about metrical feet

That's what gives a good poem its beat

We'll start with the two syllable kind

I'll tell you how a Trochee's designed


The first sound is strong, the second weak

That's the accents on the words you speak

Stressed beat followed by an unstressed one

This helps make reading poetry fun


Here are examples of words like that:

Creepy, apple, peacock, and bobcat

Iambs are also commonly used

I'll try hard not to get you confused


The first sound, short, the second is long

That's the same as saying weak, then strong

Let's move on to three syllable sort

A Dactyl has sounds of long, short, short


And the one that's unstressed, unstressed, stressed:

The metrical foot called Anapest

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A/N: Didactic Poetry is a form of poetry intended for instruction such as for knowledge or to teach.

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