California Condor

20 5 3

The California condor spreads her wings

Impressive sight to see on cliff so high

Takes off in flight not knowing joy she brings

A graceful beauty soaring through the sky


This lovely black and white bird's eyesight's keen

To scavenge fifteen thousand feet below

Her wingspan's quite unlike I've ever seen

A dinosaur descendant, that I know


I gaze in wonder at our largest bird

So rare, few hundred are all that we've got

They're known as awesome parents, so I've heard

These New World vultures, I respect a lot


If you see one, perhaps at local zoo

Admire this creature, as I always do


A/N: This was my first English sonnet (also called Shakespearean sonnet.) It consists of three quatrains and a couplet, and the rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg.

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