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In the second bedroom I had, it was just storage and I was in my pajamas doing it. Colby suggested I turn it into an office so we were there trying to clean it out and I got distracted by a box labeled, Ol' Memories (Memory Lane). I open the box find CDs of my childhood before things turned to hell.

"What's that?" Colby's asks, entering the room.

"Old CDs of when I was younger," I said smiling.

He stepped closer since the sunset's golden beams were in his eyes. He picked one up and it was labeled, Luna (0-4), in my mother's handwriting. "Can we watch some?" Colby asked.

"Sure, let me grab my laptop," I said before walking to the kitchen counter and picking up the old laptop.

I walk back to Colby to see him sitting on the carpet of the floor, his back against the wall and he had pulled the box of CDs closer to it. He looks at me and motions me to come quickly as if he had a new discovery. I laugh a little and sit beside him. I pop out the CD part of the laptop and he places it inside carefully.

While we watch all of the CDs from 0 to age 9 that were labeled, Luna. During this he teased me about the embarrassing things I did. When he would I would playfully smack his shoulder, arm or even chest. Colby pulls a CD out and gives me a confused look.


That one name broke my heart, my eyes get a bit blurry from the tears forming and Colby notices. He sets down the CD and opens his arms for a hug. I decided to give in to it and he wrapped his arms around me. He rubbed my back and whispered to me, "Sorry I asked."

"It's fine," I said pulling back, feeling better. I gave him all I could scurry up of a sad smile.

"If you don't mind me asking, who is he?" He asked.

"My brother," I said. Colby looks at me curiously and I respond, "He was the only sibling I had, 2 years older."

"Why did you get upset?" He asks cautiously, placing his hand atop mine.

"He passed away doing PT, Physical Training, for the Air Force when he was 20," I said with a sad tone.

"That must've been hard, I'd understand if you Don't want to look at the disk!" He said.

"No, I want to," I said. He placed the CD titled, Leo 0-2, into the laptop.

It ended with my mom introducing him to me. "This is your baby sister. I would like you to protect her, be her savior," my moms gentle voice said, she was on the hospital bed and I was in her arms.

"I will Momma," He said with confidence, his green eyes lit up and his black curly hair bounced a bit.

I look into the box and find one titled, Leo and Luna Mini Moments, below that it said in my dad's writing, Their first steps in conquering the world. I hand it to Colby and he puts it in.

It starts off with my brother meeting me. It cuts to him gently placing a blanket on me giving me a kiss on the head. It skips to him and I watching Sponge Bob and then we started playing around. Then, it's me in a baby walker and we were outside. The sand was to far down for me so my brother brings some up and puts it onto the mini table the walker had and I played with the sand.

Next, was my dad in a Marines shirt and my brother, they were building a shed.

"Wanna help Luna?" My dad said with a gleaming light prominent in his eyes.

"Yeah!" My baby voice said happily. You could hear my mom giggle behind the camera.

There I was in a baby rocker and I rocked myself on the kitchen counter. I hit the table top making a knocking noise. My brother opened the cabinet from below in which he sat inside, I stop rocking.

"Helloooooo?" He said before looking around then closing it.

I rock again and this repeats a couple more times before he looks above the counter seeing me there. My mom's laugh is heard from behind the camera.

It cut to my brother only in the frame and my mom said from behind it, "Will you protect Lil' Moon?" My mom used my nickname, I always liked the moon.

"Yeah!" My brother said, he had his hands on my mom's knees.

"What're you gonna do?" She asked.

"I'm gonna pwotect Moonie," He said in the baby voice he had.

"Good boy. Momma's proud," my mom said and you could tell she smiled brightly even when her face was not in frame.

I had tears falling down my face as it continued to roll. I had my head on Colby's shoulder, facing the screen. Colby was intrigued at what the videos had to offer. When a few of my tears soaked into his shirt and he felt something warm and moist touch his arm he turned to me.

"Aww, come here," he said opening his arms.

I except and he pulls me into his lap, rubbing my back. The only noises heard was from the computer and my quiet sobs. After I calm down Colby looks outside the window and I follow his gaze, the sun it fully set and I look at the time, 8:46.

"We should probably stop watching these. We only cleared half the room," I say. Colby agrees and we pack the CDs up in the box. "Maybe we should watch these at my place soon," Colby suggests.

"That's a good idea," I say pushing a box, we had gone through it, and I put it in the walk in closet.

"If you don't mind, can you tell me more about your brother? Leo?" Colby asks while taking items carefully out a box. I stop what I'm doing and lean against the wall.

"Leo? Where do I start... he was born August 17th. He was exactly 27 months older. When we were younger he and I had the greatest bond, even when my dad was overseas serving for the Marine Corps. We had a normal brother-sister relationship where he would tease me and call me funny names, once he called my coconut head," I started and laughed. I continued, "When I was about 6 or 7 our relationship kinda split a bit. He always played his games and his toys I did my own. When I was about 8 I had gotten out of the stereotypical 'princess and pink,' stage. I always loved to go play with my brother and his toys. He even let me play a few of his video games. We ran around outside, got dirty and muddy, small wrestling things, rode bikes, things a boy would do. And he never gave up his promise to protect me, his little sister. He would stop the bullying I had, he was my everything and anything. He saved me so many times and taking care of me. No matter what I was his first priority and no one could change that. We ran around with the 3 dogs we owned and he carried me around. We fell of the grass, played with dirt, had stupid little jokes that we used and weird ways of joking 'till..until he passed. He, like my dad and granddad before us, promised that when they died he'd pass away in the pursue of work."

Colby had stopped doing what he was doing and had all attention towards me. "He sounds amazing," Colby said with a smile. "Let's go to bed and continue this tomorrow."

"Ok," I said about to take a step forward but he came over and picked me up bridal style. "Let me take you," He said with a goofy smile that I laughed at. He carried me to my bed and then laid beside me.

"Good night," I said in a soft tone.

"Good night," he hesitated for a moment. "Good night, Moon."

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