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Vivian's pov

I woke this morning to my head on Daniel's bare chest. He was running his fingers through my hair, just looking at me. I shuffled a little so that he knew I was awake and he chuckled.

"Good morning princess." I rolled over to that the side of my face was against his chest and I gazed out at the ocean. "Good morning." I mumbled as I held onto him.

"Are you okay?" He asked as he ran his fingers through the front of my hair and brushed it all out of my face. "You're really clingy this morning...not that I'm complaining though." He smiled as he wrapped his arms tightly around me.

"Yea I'm good," I muttered and closed my eyes, "I really love you." I said as he planted a small kiss on the top of my head. "What's wrong babygirl?" He asked and I opened my eyes.

"Every time I come here it's going to be hard for me and you to be together, you're always going to be working and I don't know how long I can be here." I said and he gave me a few more kisses.

"What if I could at least see you every night when you're here?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows, "I can't promise a full day but what if I just like lived here?" He asked and I looked up at him.

"We're an hour and a half outside of the city." I reasoned and he shrugged, "Most of the shoots are out here or something, and all the boys are moving like 20 minutes away, I can move in unless you want me to get my own place and be an hour away from you when you're here." He said and I shook my head no.

"You're moving in here." I said and he chuckled, "I'm moving in." He repeated and I smiled. I grabbed one of his hands and folded it with mine. We just stayed there staring out into the empty space.

It sounds crazy but I want this for the rest of my life. And it's almost crazier for me to think that he might want this forever too.

After a while of us just laying there we got up and got ready for the day. I threw on a black crop top, really no bigger than a bra and a pair of mom jeans. He just put on his clothes from yesterday and I looked at him weirdly.

"I have a bunch of your clothes if you want to wear something else." I said and flipped open one of my suitcases.  "No it's fine, I was thinking we could go out to lunch and then go to my place and pack my stuff up." He said and I nodded.

Once he put his shirt on I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs. "Guys wake up!" He yelled as we ran down the stairs. "We're up, we were thinking about going surfing." Jack said and I nodded.

"Well me and Daniel were thinking actually." I started and Zach rolled his eyes, "no babies." He said and I laughed.

"No Zach, Daniel is going to move in here." I said and they nodded but kinda shrugged it off, "really guys that's it?"

They just kinda nodded and went back to their phones. We got in the car and headed to the boys place and packed up Daniel's stuff. He had a lot of beat pads and microphones and I got an idea.

"You know the big room across from our bedroom?" I asked as I grabbed a sound dampener and walked it out to the car as he grabbed boxes. "Yea what about it?" He asked as he put everything in the car. "I think if I get it lined and stuff for sound it would make a great studio." I offered and he smiled.

"My two favorite things in one place, hell yeah." He chuckled as he hugged me. We finished throwing everything in the car and drove back to my place.

The drive was nice, from LA to Malibu it was along the ocean we drove past Santa Monica pier and stopped for ice cream.

We made it all the way back to my place and we started unpacking as the sun set. In every empty room Daniel would sing because of the echo. I almost didn't want to put stuff in the room because it would take away the echo.

We mostly just threw boxes and studio equipment in the empty rooms and said goodnight to the boys, who once again were sleeping in the living room.

As soon as I stepped on the first stair he picked me up and ran to our room. I laughed and tried to wiggle out of his arms.

"Daniel put me down." I laughed as he shut our bedroom door. He laughed as the sad excuse for a bed on the ground and slowly set me down.

"I'm gonna go take a shower." I mumbled as I looked at the air mattress too and started walking to the bathroom. I only got two steps before I noticed he wasn't following me so I turned around and grabbed his hand.

I pulled him with me into the bathroom and started the shower right away. The bathroom was really nice, it had a his and hers shower and I nice size bathtub and a double sink.

As soon as I stepped away from the shower I just started he pulled me closer to him and kissed me. It was slow but quickly changed.

I ran my fingers through his hair and he tugged at the bottom of my shirt and I took it off, only breaking the kiss for a second. "Do you have an-" he started but I immediately cut him off, "second drawer" I said pointing to the vanity.

He grabbed a condom and I locked the door.

Hi I like someone who likes someone else 😁 kinda feel like shit but it's all goooooooodddddd 🤪🤪

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