Chapter 5: Strength

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Timeskip, On Your Bike

After you got back to the clubroom, Rias had a summoning for you to go to.  You had a long day, but if it's anything like the summon with the sweet old lady, it shouldn't be too difficult.

You arrive at the home of the summoner.  You ring the doorbell, but you get no answer.  You open the door.

Y/N:  "Is anyone-" the scent of a fresh kill assails your nostrils.  "Someone's dead in here." 

You smell three other fresh scents, one of which is familiar.

Y/N:  "No... I hope I'm wrong."

You walk into the house, keeping an eye out for anything strange.  You walk into a living area and see a corpse being desecrated by a ghoul ravenously digging into it.

Y/N:  "Get away from him!"

You unleash your kagune towards the ghoul and nearly impale him.

Ghoul:  "You interrupted my dinner.  Oh wow, only one of your eyes is red.  Nasty.  You should get that checked out, that is if you live long enough."

???: "Nishiki! Down boy!"

Ghoul known as Nishiki: "Pfft, alright fine priest. Just let me kill this ghoul trying to hoard in on my meal."

Priest: "He's no ordinary ghoul. It seems like he's the guy putting Master Zero in a tizzy! Devil boy, Freed Selzen, at your service."

Nishiki: "I don't care about your boss. All I want is to do is hunt when I want to without those fence-sitters at Anteiku telling me when I can."

Y/N: "You assholes... you care nothing for human life!"

Nishiki: "Oh come now, I'm sure you've killed at least a few humans in your day. You're what, 16? 17? Surely you couldn't have gone through your life without killing at least once. How did it feel?"

Y/N: "I've never killed anyone! Killing is wrong if it can be avoided!"

Freed: "Well, you can die with a clean conscience then."

???: "Father Freed, Brother Nishiki, whats going on?" She sees the corpse. "Ah! So cruel...". She looks and sees you. "Y/N...? What are you doing here?"

You say nothing to her, instead opting to turn your head away.

Freed: "Asia! Aren't you supposed to be putting up the barrier? How do you know this devil scum?"

Asia: "Y/N, you're a Devil?"

Y/N: "Yes, I am. I'm sorry, but I don't think I can see you anymore."

Freed: "Yeah, because I'm gonna kill you!"

Freed points his gun towards you, but Asia pushes his arm away.

Freed: "What are you doing child?"

Asia: "Stop! Y/N's a good man! I don't care if he is a devil, I'm sure God will forgive him!"

Freed: "You stupid girl!" He slaps her. "This devil boy deserves to die for his sins! Finish him off Nishiki while I have some fun with her."

Nishiki: "Alright Freed, Ill play-"

He's interrupted by you punching him in the face and knocking him down. Your face is full of anger as you swing your kagune towards Freed who's trying to strip Asia in front of you.

Nishiki: "Don't get so cocky kid. There's no way you can fight me and protect the girl at the same time!"

He pushes you off of him and impales your stomach with his own kagune, which comes out lower on his body than yours does, almost like a tail. His kagune and yours collide, and unfortunately for you, yours breaks apart.

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