S2.5 Chapter 2: Progress

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One Week After The CCG's Assault on Aogiri Tree's Base
Amon's POV

Since the battle between the CCG and Aogiri, things have been, for lack of a better term, dicey. It seems that attacking Aogiri has stirred up a hornet's nest. There have been rumors of more Ghouls banding together since then for fear of the CCG and each other. The CCG Special Countermeasures Unit eradicated the 204 Ghouls which were left behind in the 11th ward stronghold. It was thought that the battle in the 11th ward had been a victory, but...

Amon (thoughts): 'Looks like the good guys are winning, but... was attacking like we did really the best tactically speaking?'

???: "Rank 1 Investigator Kotarou Amon."

That snaps him out of his thoughts.

Amon: "Yes sir!"

Right now, there's a ceremony being held for the promotion of investigators. While he's not the only person being promoted, he is one of the only ones going from a Rank 1 Investigator to First Class, becoming a Senior Investigator. Amon stands up from his chair and approaches the stage, where Bureau Director Yoshitoki Washuu is presenting the promotions.

Director Washuu: "You are being designated a First Class Investigator, both for your performance during the Battle of the 11th Ward and for your work in the field. Congratulations."

Amon: "I am deeply honored, sir. Thank you for this opportunity to better serve the people and to put my abilities to use."

He goes back to his seat and the next person is called.

Director Washuu: "Rank 3..."

Unforuntately, Ghouls thought to be the leaders and elites of Aogiri attacked the Ghoul Detention Center, Cochlea. During the attack, they were able to reach the third level of underground isolation cells which held the SS ranked Ghouls. As a result, dangerous SS ranked Ghouls have once again been released into Tokyo. While the battle seemed like a victory, it might just be the beginning of something else...

At the end, Director Washuu read aloud the names of all the people who had lost their lives in action in the past battle. With that, the promotion ceremony came to a close.

Amon (thoughts): 'While I'll miss being a teacher, it does feel good to be back in the office. A First Class Investigator, huh? Mr. Mado, I hope you're proud of me."

???: "Hey, Amon! It's been a while, eh?"

Amon: "Special Investigator Shinohara, sir!"

Shinohara: "You can tone down the formalities." He chuckles. "The Amon who was crying like a baby when training under the instructors is already a Senior-level Investigator."

Amon: "Yeah, although it doesn't feel too real, considering all I've done the past six months is teach at a private academy."

Shinohara: "That's a difficult job in and of itself, balancing your Investigator duties on top of classwork while making sure your students don't find out about the former. Good work. I know Mado would be proud, especially since he recommended you for it."

Amon's former partner, Mr. Mado, who was cut down at the hands of the Ghoul known as "Rabbit", was Shinohara's first partner when he was a Junior-level Investigator.

Amon: "Yeah... I hope so... Anyway, that's enough about me. What about you? Your casts have all been taken off?"

Shinohara: "Don't get me wrong, I'm still a wreck on the inside. The Owl sure did a number on me..."


On the roof of Building 007 of the Aogiri Tree stronghold stood an infamous Ghoul, one of immeasurable power. This Ghoul, ten years ago, was terrorizing the 2nd ward. His name, the One-Eyed Owl. The CCG sent a squad made of Special Class Investigators, but then were powerless against him, that is, until then-Rank 2 Investigator Kishou Arima used the Special Class Investigators' quinques against him. Arima won and Owl, heavily wounded, vanished. And now, here he is once again, standing right in front of him.

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