Chapter 16.5: Hijinks (Short)

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'Twas a normal day in the ORC. You had just gotten back from a job from a regular client, the same old lady who gave you your first job.

Client (memory):  "These are special brownies. These'll make you feel better."

Y/N:  "Wonder what she meant by that..."

Koneko:  "Meant by what?"

Koneko's taken you sitting on your lap lately and can probably, most definitely smell the chocolate.

Y/N:  "Hey everyone, gather round."

Akeno, Kira, Asia, and Rias all sit on the couches. Koneko's still on your lap though.

Y/N:  "I got these from my job just now." You say as you hold out a large bag of brownies. "She said that they're really good quality. Since I can't eat them, I thought you might enjoy them."

Rias:  "Why thank you Y/N, that's sweet."

Koneko:  "There's something strange... it's not poison, but they aren't normal."

Akeno:  "Probably just a secret ingredient to make them taste good."

They all take a bite of the brownies.

Asia:  "These are really good!"

Kira:  "It's like they're melting in my mouth!"

The five of them finish the rest of the brownies.  Everything's normal for a while.

About 45 minutes later

You have no idea what was in those brownies, but it's making everyone act weird.

Rias is trying to play chess, but she's by herself. It's kind of hilarious seeing her really concentrate on a move and then not actually play the game right, saying "Knight to E6" which, by the way the "piece" is, would be the way she would move a rook.  It's even funnier because she's playing checkers.

Koneko's acting more like a cat than usual. She's chasing a laser pointer you're using to play with her. She also gets a ball of yarn from the supply closet and starts playing with that before falling asleep on your lap.

Y/N (thoughts): 'Adorable!'

Kira's remaining mostly coherent and like her usual self, although occasionally, she is day-dreaming about various things. She's the only one besides you who's wondering why everyone's acting so weird.

Akeno's even more horny than usual, taking off her clothing because's apparently hot. It's actually feels kinda nice in the room. She strips down to her underwear before crying to you about her not being good enough for you or something. It's hard to tell what she's saying, but you do everything you can to reassure her that she is, even though that doesn't seem to be working.

Alucard: "Jackpot!"

Y/N: "Stop."

Asia's just kinda laying on the floor semi-passed out. Looks like she couldn't handle whatever was in that brownie. She's muttered your name a few times, but you couldn't make out anything intelligible.

After a while, you prepare a magic circle for them and teleport them to Itori's, since her apartment's slightly bigger than yours and Asia lives there anyway.

Y/N: "Sis? You home?"

Nobody answers, so you assume she's at work already.

Y/N: "Ryuko? Can you come here?"

She comes out of a magic circle, as she was waiting for you at home.

Ryuko: "Yes Master?" She looks at the girls. "What happened to them?"

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