S2 Chapter 7: Torture

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Rias's POV

Hinami: "Rias... Y/N's going to be okay."

Nishiki: "Yeah, no doubt. That kid can sure take a licking."

Rias: "Yeah, I guess so..."

Touka: "Those bastards..."

Yoshimura walks in the door. The people present consists of Touka, Nishiki, Hinami, Rias, and Sona. This is to discuss Y/N's kidnapping and the movements of the Ghouls and Fallen Angels.

Yoshimura: "I'm glad to see you're all here. A few more will be joining us later, but let's go ahead and get started. We need to discuss the problems unfolding in the 11th ward and then decide what action Anteiku should take. The town of Kuoh lies in the 20th ward, as you know. But before we get into that, let us address Kaneki's kidnapping and what it means for the rest of you."

Rias: "My household and I are ready to do whatever it takes to get him back."

Sona: "I had my Queen ask my household and they all agreed to the same. However, I believe the problem is that we simply lack the power to deal with Ghouls and Fallen Angels at the same time."

Yoshimura: "Do yourselves a favor and forget about ever seeing him again."

Touka: "W-What...?"

Rias: "Why!?"

Sona: "You..." she says angrily.

Nishiki: "What the hell!? How can you say such a thing!?"

Touka: "Shut up! Quit yelling." she demands.

Nishiki: "We're going, right? To save him? Well??"

Yoshimura: "You have to understand. We've determined who kidnapped him and it's not good. Aogiri Tree is a heartless organization, they are Ghouls who live to fight. If they're working with Fallen Angels, they'll be that much harder to fight with what we have. It won't be easy to sneak into their base and rescue Y/N. They'll do everything in their power to stop us."

Hinami: "But why? That's so cruel..."

Yoshimura: "And then, there's the CCG and the one known as 'Anderson'. If he's still here, it would be much harder to avoid confrontation and I don't believe anyone here has the power to fight him if he's on the level of the number one Special Investigator."

Rias: "But what if we got him AND this Aogiri Tree to fight one another? That could cause a distraction and-"

Yoshimura: "That thought has crossed my mind, yes. However, even with his talents, I doubt he could stand up to every member of Aogiri Tree. With that in mind, I have no doubt that the CCG will soon send their troops to the 11th ward in hopes of wiping out Aogiri Tree. If we tried to save him, there's a likely chance that we'd be the ones who'd end up dead. Miss Gremory, Miss Sitri. As the CCG is allied with the Church and Aogiri Tree is seemingly allied with the Fallen Angels, involving the Devils in this matter would possibly start another Great War, is that correct?"

Sona: "They're the ones who started this when someone allied with the Fallen Angels kidnapped a Devil belonging to the household of one of the 72 Pillars. Therefore, I believe the Fallen Angels take the blame for this. After all, stealing Excaliburs from the Church is a declaration of war all on its own."

Nishiki: "Bottom line is we gotta do something. We can't just abandon him. He's one of us!"

Touka: "I'm going. Have you forgotten our policy, sir? If you're not going to save him, then I'll go alone."

Nishiki: "*sigh* I'll go with you. Might as well. While it pains me to say this, that dumbass is my friend. Besides, you'd get all pouty if I just left him to die."

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