Season 2... Once More

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Hey guys, Draco here!

Season 2.5 of Grab It By The Throat is officially over and we're going back to DxD canon... for the most part! Of course, because of the Ghoul elements, there will be variations to the DxD canon, but for the most part, it'll follow the rest of Season 2 of DxD.

To be honest, I wasn't sure how well received the events of Season 2.5 would be or how well I could blend the two storylines together, but from what I've seen, you guys have thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm super relieved on that. Due to my inexperience with translating manga (especially with the action scenes) to text, I didn't know how well I could make Tokyo Ghoul's storyline from the manga fit into DxD's world what with the people/events I've cut out and the changes I've made to it.

The first chapter of the second part of DxDshall be up soon! Like... a few minutes? Basically, whenever I get done proofreading it, which hopefully shouldn't taken too long since it's a shorter chapter (relatively speaking).

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