S2 Chapter 12: Without Y/N

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3rd Person POV

In the town of Kuoh, at a glance, it would seem things are quiet. In reality, however, it's anything but. Unknown to most of the residents of the town, a meeting concerning the entire world, as well as other worlds, will be held at their very own Kuoh Academy.

Inside Kuoh Academy, The Occult Research Club President is working tirelessly to make sure the Devils of the area are prepared for this Summit meeting. She's been organizing most of the forces from the Three Factions who have been coming here to check the security and otherwise plan the event for their superiors.

Inside the coffee shop, Anteiku, things are relatively quiet. The Ghoul staff are continuing making their coffee whilst rumors circulate about Aogiri Tree attacking a mansion on the outskirts the northern 20th Ward for reasons unknown. The CCG hasn't revealed anything to the public as of yet, but it's more than likely they were involved in the battle.

Gasper, the half-Vampire, half-Devil, has still not come out of his room, too afraid of the outside world. Hinami and Ravel Phenex have visited him a few times in order to try and persuade him to leave, but so far, nothing has worked. They even tried bribing him with sweets, but not even that was enough to help his severe social anxiety.

Yoshimura's POV

Despite not doing it very often, Yoshimura still likes to take a shift whenever he can, serving and drinking coffee with customers. Really, he does it for the fun of the craft and to keep his skills sharp. However, the reason for him doing so right now is to do that and to talk to Itori, who came to him today to ask for advice.

Yoshimura: "So what's on your mind?" the elderly Ghoul asks.

Itori: "I... I heard about what the CCG did up north... I've also heard rumors of a Ghoul with an eyepatch mask going around to the other wards, mercilessly killing Ghouls who predated on humans to an unnecessary degree, leaving at least one alive to tell of him. Do you think it could be...?"

She doesn't finish her sentence, afraid of the answer. Yoshimura understands that. He hasn't told the others that he met with Y/N not too long ago or what they talked about. He knows Y/N's changed. This 'Eyepatch' Ghoul she's referring to is most likely him.

Uta: "His is the only mask I've ever made with an eyepatch, so it's probable. Even if there are other Ghouls with similar masks, not made by me, the timing is too convenient for it not to be."

Uta had come by at Itori's request, hoping to get his input. Yomo would be there as well, but he had errands to run for Yoshimura.

Itori: "I... I saw everything they did to him..."

She holds her mouth so she doesn't puke, prompting Yoshimura to make his way over to her and rub her back.

Yoshimura: "You don't have to repeat it, Itori. You and Nishiki informed me of what happened. I haven't told Touka, Hinami, or the Occult Research Club about what happened. I hope to spare them the details, at least, for now."

Uta: "Still, for him to endure all of that. It's actually kind of impressive that he survived and then broke himself out." he nonchalantly comments as he drinks his coffee.

Yoshimura goes back behind the counter as Itori recovers. He knows she's seen some things in her day, but what she described to him about a month ago, after Y/N was taken... It must have been hell for him.

Yoshimura (thoughts): 'The Summit's tomorrow... Miss Gremory asked me to attend. I wonder if he'll be there as well...'

Rias's POV

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