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I was awoken by a knock on our apartment door. It was a Saturday morning, about a week since Remus and I went on our walk.

I laid in bed for a few seconds, hoping that James or Peter would open the door. But when the knocking came again, I groaned and rolled out of bed, pulling on a t-shirt.

Rubbing the sleep out my eyes, I swung open the door and there stood Remus the burrito. We was wrapped up in his favorite blanket, the one with the wolves on it.

He grinned at me and I moved aside to let him in. At that moment, James cane padding into the living room. His glasses hung crookedly on his face, his black hair an absolute mess.

"Hey, Remus, what're you," he yawned, "doing here?"

"Well Lily just threw up. She thinks it's the flu so I've been kicked out of the apartment."

James cursed, glancing out the still open door in concern. "I'll go see if she needs anything."

Was James was gone, I pulled Remus along into the living room and had him sit on the couch.

"You're not sick, are you?" I asked. He shook his head.

"I don't think so. Not yet at least. I'll need my stuff later, but I can't go get it."

"I'll get it," I offered.


We sat and cuddled on the couch for most of the morning, watching the Office and playing Mario Cart.

Peter made a very artistic lunch for us and even brought some over for James and Lily. After lunch, when James popped back over, he quick changed out of his pajamas and walked over to Remus and I.

"I need to run to the pharmacy to grab some refills for Sirius's meds and Lily asked me to grab something for her. She said you needed refills too, and I offered to take you," James told Remus.

Remus nodded, standing and stretching. He grabbed his oxygen bag and headed out the door before James after giving me a peck on the lips.

James glanced over at Remus and backtracked to me. "Lily wants to talk to you quickly," he said before dashing after Remus.

I pulled on some latex gloves before crossing the hall. I didn't want to risk passing on some germs to Remus. In his state, getting sick could be life threatening.

When I got there, Lily was sitting on the couch, wrapped in a blanket, much like Remus had been that morning. She had a trash bin on the floor in front of her.

"Hey, Siri," she murmured.

"You wanted to talk to me? How're you feeling?"

"Like shit. But that's not why I wanted to talk to you. Do you mind if Remus stays the night?"

I felt my cheeks flush and I mentally hit myself for thinking like that.

"No, I don't mind at all. Anything to keep him safe."

Lily smiled at that. "Well, you'll need to pack him up some things. I made a list of all his meds and you'll need to grab his nebulizer from his bedroom, he'll probably need that later. And his AffloVest. I'd rather he use the machine that's hooked up to the wall, but that's a pain to move so I think he'll be fine for one night. Oh, and a change of clothes and his toothbrush."

I got up from the couch and went to the counter with Lily's list and put all the pill bottles into a big Tupperware container. Then I went into his room and threw some clothes together and grabbed the other things Lily told me to. On a whim I grabbed his sketchbook and pencils.

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