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Sirius was there when I woke up. He was still holding my hand and sitting in the chair, but his head was resting on the bed. I reached my free hand over and ran it through his hair.

He shifted and made a small noise as he sat up. He blinked blearily at me.

"How're you feeling?" He asked me.

I breathed in and out a few times to gauge my lungs and I was a bit wheezy and my lungs ached a bit, but other than that I was feeling okay.

"Let's get some food, yeah?" Sirius asked.

"Breakfast would be good," I said, stretching. Sirius laughed.

"Actually, it's 3:00 pm."

I lowered my arms, surprised. "I slept that long?"

"You needed it."

I unhooked the G-tube and took Sirius's offered hand and we padded into the kitchen. I smiled to myself when I thought of Sirius 'padding'. It seems I picked a good nickname in Padfoot.

I sat down at the counter and pulled on my nasal cannula while Sirius threw together some grilled cheese sandwiches and soup.

We sat and ate our afternoon meal in a comfortable silence.

They babied me for the entire next week.

They were never outright about it because Lily knows how much I hate it. But I could tell by the way they hovered every time I started coughing. Or how at least one of them escorted me to and from all of my classes. I felt like a caged animal, but I knew they were only worried. I just wished they'd chill about it. I'm not made of glass.

By the end of that week, snow was starting to fall and it was time for James's last lacrosse game of the season, so we were all getting bundled up.

I popped my head out of my third jumper and Lily was leaning against the doorframe, grinning at me. She was already dressed in her cozy leggings and Hogwarts sweatshirt.

"Are you ready to go yet?" She asked.

"Almost," I muttered, pulling on a beanie and my oxygen bag. I put on my mask and gave Lily a thumbs up.

We left our apartment and crossed the hall to get Sirius and Peter, then headed out to Lily's car.

When we arrived on campus, there were students and fans everywhere, all streaming towards the field. We joined the crowd and found seats.

The grass on the field was still green, though there was a slight dusting of snow. I snuggled into Sirius's side as we waited for the game to start.

The opposing side's fans started cheering when their team ran onto the field. "Who are we playing again?" Peter asked.

"Beauxbatons. They're a school from France," Lily answered.

But Beauxbatons' cheers had nothing on Hogwarts when our team entered the field. Everyone was on their feet and screaming.

I spotted James, number 28, waving and grinning like a maniac. Frank Longbottom, number 17, elbowed him and they headed over for the lineup.

Headmaster Dumbledore was announcing the starting lineup.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, these are the starters for the last lacrosse game of the season for Hogwarts School of the Arts. First we have our attackmen, number 28, James Potter."

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