Chapter 1

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"No more royals ..."
"No more hierarchy ..."

John thought as he looked at the crowd of people who were watching him. He didn't even need Isen's ability to sense the fear and panic he had caused. It was inevitable after he single handily took down 4 of the royals, with one of them being the King.
"Does that make me the King now?"
John scoffed at that idea. He could care less about the title. Arlo has betrayed his trust, pulling him back into the system he had longed to escape. He had put all that work into pretending he was a cripple. Even though he was beaten up everyday, he was happy living like that instead of having everyone judge all of his actions. Arlo had to have come along and foiled his disguise by attacking him first. This was what he got himself into. After all, Arlo wanted him to take his rightful place in the hierarchy anyways.
"This is what Arlo deserved" John told himself. "I made him a promise that as long as he wouldn't tell anyone about me, I would let him keep his pathetic throne. Yet he told Sera..."
John shook the thought away from his head. He tried not to think about how Sera would feel if she found out he was the joker.
John looked at Remi's and Arlo's bodies one last time. He didn't feel any pity for them. After all, one was ignorant while the other was a backstabbing, liar
. John took a deep breathe. He headed towards Wellston again.

When he entered into the hall, people parted away from him, clearing a path in the hallway. He saw fear in many of their eyes again. It made him think of New Bostin again, how he was a psycho tyrant. John reassured himself. He told himself that he didn't do anything wrong. It hadn't been his fault it ended up like this...
That's when he saw her...Standing at the far end of the hallway... She was with two people, the blue haired guy who was always next to Arlo and a petite girl with pink pigtail. She narrowed her blue eyes. All he saw was disappointment, anger, sorrow, and again, fear.

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