Chapter 9

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Seraphina stood, speechless, as she saw who was on the roof top. 

Sitting on a wooden chair was a familiar figure. He was knocked out, with his head bent forwards. The locks of golden hair that were once shiny were covering his face, matted with blood. His usual pristine uniform was very soiled, cover with dirt and blood.

Sitting next to him was a girl with straight teal hair. Her eyes, which were the a purplish hue, were striking, but at the moment, they just looked annoyed. She sat with her arms crossed, waiting for the two to speak. 

The Joker stepped forward. Seraphina stayed behind to listen to their conversation. It was a throng of whispers, annoyance and a few glances back to her. She felt uncomfortable. She wasn't supposed to be here. She didn't belong with them...

The Joker's voice stopped her train of thoughts.

".......We should be able to blackmail some people for information. After all, we have people like Isen under our control."

Seraphina's head shot up. She gave the two a confused look. Cecile understood her confusion, clarifying by saying  "Your ability. We have several sources to trace back to those who stole your ability."

Seraphina nodded silently, a bit too shocked to speak. 

Cecile turned to the Joker, who was standing, hands in his pockets and an arrogant look on his face. His smirk was wide, with one corner of his mouth twitching upwards. He seemed do confident and sure about everything. Seraphina felt a tick of annoyance in her face. 

" Lets initiate our plan. Shall we?"

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