Chapter 6

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"I have on condition..."
Seraphina hesitated to state that condition to her "best friend". He was a completely different person... so much so she couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

His eyes were unmistakably his. They were the same burnt gold hue with a bit of a wideness that suggested innocence and naïveté along with a narrowness that Seraphina thought looked like mischief but it was instead suspicion. Now it held a state that looked into her soul, trying to figure her out, showing no emotions...
"This is like that time we played poker" Seraphina thought "I can't read him at all... I have to bluff my way out..."
"I will join you John, as long as I can back out whenever I want questions asked." Seraphina tried to keep her voice monotonous. She was used to being stoic when she had to.
Suddenly, John's mouth formed into a smile. A genuine one. He looked happy?
"All right then. I'm glad you decided to join."
As he said this, his smile got wider.
"Meet me tomorrow at 'the place'. You know where it is..."
With that he left in a bouncy step. Seraphina didn't know if that was really the John she knew. For a second, he was sadistic, cruel and cold. After she excepted, he turned back to the John that Seraphina became best friends with. The idiotic, cheerful John. It was as if he was 2 people.
Around her, everyone was talking about what had happened between her and John. They were judging her go her decision and why John would ask her, a now powerless cripple, to join him.
The bell rang, and with that, Seraphina left to her class, hoping that this nightmare would end...

Arlo PoV
"This is ridiculous...First I got dethroned, now I get kidnapped... I'm guessing John is behind this... I made a big mistake, trying to drag him back to the hierarchy...but I did apologize. He just didn't except it. I should have thought about the consequences. Now, the whole school is going to suffer for my actions..."
"Pondering where you went wrong right?" A familiar voice spoke to him.
"Maybe..." the voice purred. " It's so satisfying to see you off your high and mighty throne... Of course, I was smart enough not to anger him..."
"It is definitely Cecile and the him, I'm guessing is John...meaning that they are allies..."
"He's here!" Cecile said in an unusually happy tone. "Enjoy your punishment..."

30 minutes later (third person PoV)

Seraphina sat in English class, not being able to pay attention. She felt a pit of dread in her stomach.
"What can I do to get the old John back? When he ranted, he mentioned being betrayed many times... He also mentioned that Arlo made him snap. That might be why they hate each other... Maybe Isen will know something about John. I'll pay both Arlo and Isen a visit...
There is also the problem with my ability. I don't think I'll get it back. Remi did say that had encountered ability boosters before... maybe the people who———"
Her thought process was cut off when the classroom door opened. Standing in the doorway was John. All the students turned to look at him. Most stared in fear though some, who weren't aware he was the Joker, scoffed.
"Hey Johnny boi! Got beat up again?"
John ignore that remark. His uniform was messy, with his tie a bit undone and his usual crisp white shirt covered with... blood. Fresh blood. His face was a bit scratched with blood spattered across. His smile was calm and his eyes held content.
"John, don't you want to change your uniform?" the teacher inquired, a bit worried.
"No. As long as it's not my blood, I'm fine."
People stared at him as he began to walk to his seat. The person who had taunted him before ask "Who's blood is it?"
He paused before he answered "It's none of your business"
He said it in an amiable manner, making it creeper.
"Johnny boi, I didn't know you were so secre——"
He was cut off when a black barrier swarmed him, shrinking and shrinking. Most backed away. There were a few who tried to pry the barrier off. One kid ( he was dumb) tried to punch John, only to be tied up with a restraining black rope.
"Anyone else want to be beaten up ?" John asked in a sarcastic tone. He looked around before turning to Seraphina.
"Let's go... we are getting your ability back..."

Authors note...

Hello. Every week I'll do either 2 or 3 shorter chapters or 1 looooooonnnnnnnggggggg chappy. Don't worry. I won't abandon you guys. I was just addicted to some bnha fanfics....
Anyways, I would appreciate it if you check out "Gold and Bronze: An Unordinary ff" by my friend, Not-herewebtoonpeeps. Thank you guys for reading soo much. WE HAVE PASSED 500 READS! Yays!
Peace and bai,

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