Chapter 4

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" Join me..."
Seraphina was terrified. This wasn't John. The look in his eyes were crazy yet distant. They held a blank start yet they seemed to cry for blood. Seraphina thought about the possibility of joining forces with John. She had nothing to bring yet he still asked her. Were they still friends? Even after his lies and betrayals.
Everyone was looking at her, waiting for an answer. She bit her bottom lip and considered the possibility of joining John. If she did, what would she have to do? John mentioned not having a hierarchy. As much as she hated the hierarchy, she would have to admit there would be chaos.
When Seraphina was about to respond, a masked figure appear at the end of the hallway behind John. Everyone stared at him with confusion. He pulled his mask off.
"Hey! Johnny boy! Why are you here causing a commotion? What so important about you?" This was Zeke, who was being so overconfident, he overlooked the mask in John's hand.
"Anyways, loyal subject, bow to your Joker and new king, Zeke!" ( still Zeke speaking). " I have access to all abilities though I only use phase shift to cover that fact up. Behold, I am the strongest in the school!"
There were some very gullible people who bowed to him. John, on the other hand was looking down on him with a cold glare.
"Hey, why aren't you bowing cripp———"
That all he managed to get in before John electrocuted him to the point of unconsciousness.
"Take that as a warning. Don't ever interrupt me..."
Seraphina was shocked at how cold this John was.
"There is no way that that's John... How is this sadist the same John that I know?"
" So Sera, do you plan on joining me?" John said in a tone that suggested that he expected her to say yes.
Seraphina thought about it. If she joined, would there be any benefits to it...
After a short pause, Seraphina answered.
At that, John lightened up.
"But, I have one condition..."

Author's note

Some of you are going to hate me or at least be confused that I made Sera say yes. Think about what you would do if you were Sera. I promise you that the story will work out in a way that may or may not be expected...

Anyways, sorry (not sorry) for the cliff hangers every chapter :) ! I will try to have a new chapter out daily though they will be around 200-400 words long. That is to keep the story from seeming too fast paced. Anyways thanks for reading!


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