Disclaimer + Cast

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This is likely going to be quite similar to the other social media/fanfiction stories that can be found throughout Wattpad and I apologize in advance for how this could turn out. Please also be aware that there is a chance that this may not get finished.

However, I would like to say thank you to anyone who chooses to continue on to read the rest of this regardless of how it may turn out.

I do not own most of the people involved in this storyline; they're all their own people and have their own unique personalities and I am barely going to be doing them justice as this is going to be my interpretation of them. The plot is more than likely cliché in some parts so it can probably be found everywhere and for that I am sorry. The only character that is mine is Charlotte (Charlie) Hayes, who is an O/C character, personality and backstory wise while I am using someone somewhat well-known as her face claim.

This work is going to be mostly written from the perspective of Charlotte (Charlie) Hayes.


- Some timelines may have been changed in order to get the story to work with how I've planned it out
- I do not, nor do I know anyone that does, suffer from PTSD or any other after-effects from serving in the military. This means that any symptoms mentioned have been obtained through research into the illness, and may not happen in all cases of PTSD. Everyone that has Posttraumatic Stress Disorder will have a different experience of the illness, and this is something that has to be kept in mind while reading this work.


I most definitely do not own the face claims, shown below with the character they relate to. Also, credit is due to all of to the owners of all the pictures being used in this - I am very uncreative in that sense so they are all found through Google Images.

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The cast of this story are as stated below:

Natalie Dormer as Charlotte (Charlie) Hayes

Chris Evans as himself

MCU cast as themselves

Nick Bateman as Fabian Young


Other celebrities may also make cameos so look out for those


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