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@charlieangel: For anyone who's ever wondered what my job consists of when I'm not dealing with patients -One word = Folders 📁📝|@username: Woah

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@charlieangel: For anyone who's ever wondered what my job consists of when I'm not dealing with patients -
One word = Folders 📁📝
@username: Woah...
@username2: What exactly is it you do? 🤨
@username3: Welcome to the world of medical work for anyone that was thinking jobs like hers are easy
@username4: Are those patient folders?? 😲
@username5: @username4 If they are, then two of those patients have really thick folders. Like, damn.
@username6: The boring part of the job
@username7: Which part of the job do you prefer the most? The patients side or the paperwork side?
@username8: Most jobs have unseen paperwork 😂
@username9: Love when people claim some jobs are easy because it's all practical - like, honey, you have no idea
@charlieangel: @username7 I love the people side of the job, but I'm not completely against the paperwork either. Whichever side of the job you predominantly work on, you're still helping people.
@username10: Ouch 😬
@username11: Would you rather go back to the military or do this job for the rest of your life?
@username12: @username11 Omg, what kind of question is that? 🤦‍♀️ You're basically asking her if she'd rather get shot at or be safe inside an office with paperwork for the rest of her life? There's a pretty clear winner there
@charlieangel: @username11 This job, but I don't really get a choice. If the military wanted me back then they could and I'd have to go

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@charlieangel: Another snapshot from my clearly exciting day at work

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@charlieangel: Another snapshot from my clearly exciting day at work.
Featuring - More paperwork, my charming coworker, Luke, and our very late afternoon phone consultation with the pharmaceutical department.
You're welcome.
@username: Love the businessman vibe he's got going on, but is he cute tho? 👔😉
@username2: Such excitement 😏
@username3: Nevertheless, thank you for an insight into a typical day in your life after the military
@username4: Do you still do all your military training? I saw the post of you doing it a while back and was just wondering
@username5: He means business 😜
@username6: 😍👍😍👍😍👍
@username7: @username Someone's thirsty. Here, have some water -> 💧💦🚰🚿⛲
@username8: We appreciate whatever you want to share with us 😁 Thank you!
@charlieangel: @username4 I do. I might not be in active service anymore but it's not unheard of for them to call up recently inactive soldiers to go back overseas when necessary so I like to be thoroughly prepared 🙂
@username9: I wish my days were like this - instead, I get screaming and misbehaving children that disregard all my efforts to teach them the curriculum 😩
@username10: Merci!! Je t'aime, Charlie!!! 🥰🥰

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