13. Contracts.

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Ronan POV.

The bed was comfortable. It was warm and fluffy and sunny. As if laying on top a cloud. It must've been a dream, one in which I could afford something this soft. 

I felt the sun leaking through the curtains and fondling my face. The echo of safety and euphoria fell over me and for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. I felt like I was floating; flying perhaps or simply dwelling above the clouds with no sight of danger in view. For the first time since momma died; I could be me. The real me. Not the popular dominant wanna be. I was just completely and utterly me. A submissive boy who came from a small city and liked to play football because his mother loved it so much. I didn't wanna think about mom. I just wanted to think about now. I wanted this moment mapped into my mind, so it would never fade away.

I never thought I would meet a single potential. In my mind, I was doomed to bad relationships stemmed from a gruelling incompatibility and a lack of female dominants. Since most girls were subs, I'd only ever been with subs. 

I read about how to be a dominant, what they did, how they acted and presented themselves. I learnt from my friends and I tried to catch on quick. Whatever they said, I said. However, they walked, I walked. I mimicked them until it became second nature to me. Until I became one of them. 

It was an odd feeling, having everyone think they know exactly who you are but having no one truly know you at all. Because of football, everyone knew my name; had spoken to me at least once and I guess they just assumed I was a dom. Because in their minds subs were weak, and they could never play the way I do.

"Bunny, you awake?" Scarlett said. She was my dominant now. I groaned as I sat up on her bed, yawning and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She knelt on the bed, clad in a yellow bra and matching underwear that suited her. I felt a deep blush creep onto my face as I recalled the night before. The memory alone would have me set for weeks if she'd allow, but perhaps that was overly optimistic. I bit my lip nervously, catching her attention in an instant. She was gorgeous, her brown skin glowed a burning amber as the sun leaked inside. Her auburn braids rested beneath her shoulders. Her hourglass frame that she seemed to hide a lot was now in my full view. She was easily one of the most alluring girls I'd seen in this city, regardless of her attribute. Only she was on the calmer side of life, and she didn't seem like the type to waste her time on things and people she felt weren't relevant to her.

I bit my lip, wanting a replay of the night before. I recalled every touch; every kiss; every moan. The faint sound of slapping skin. The way her name ricochetted from my mouth and into the buzzing air around us as she brought me too close to the sun. Last night would forever be scratched into my mind.

"Morning," she greeted, keeping her attention to my lips as she spoke. Distracted scrutiny made her brows knot with intensity. 

"S-sorry," I stopped biting my lip soon after, though I loved aggravating her into dom space, the thick pile of papers in her hands told me it wasn't the time.

"Sorry who, bunny?" She asked as she squinted at me in scrutiny.

"Mistress. Sorry, Mistress. It's just you look so beautiful, I can't really help it,"

"I think you're beautiful too. It's hard to focus on anything knowing you're in my bed right now," she huffed as she nervously looked at the papers, I blushed rubies, unable to reply. "Last night you asked me to be your dominant. Is that something you still want? Is it something you want at all?" She looked as if she too was unsure of this reality; as if she too thought she was lost in a dream.

I nodded in silence, watching her as she stressed, unable to speak much.

"Words, princess," she instructed.

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