38. Greek salutations.

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Scarlett POV.

"Good boy" I praised. Itching to shroud him in sweet kisses.

I leaned forward, placing a light kiss against the boys' soft lips. I was grinning a full-toothed grin. Looking like an airheaded fool, but none of that mattered to me. He was my home. My solace. I felt at peace as the boy gripped onto my waist. His fingers tightening enough to bruise my skin. And if that's what I needed to have him with me always, then so be it. My ribs were shaking inside me as his breathing got deeper. His soft moan, exciting my skin - this boy, this boy would be the death of me.

I pulled away from him. Careful not to aggravate his bruises. He groaned lowly but never protested.

"Mind if I clean you up a bit. You stink." I laughed.

"Hey!" He chuckled back, "It's not that bad"

"Hmm-mmm 'cause alcoholic smells divine" I shot back.

"That was a onetime thing. I don't plan on drinking ever again" He explained shyly.

"Thank goodness. Though it would have been exciting to punish you off of it" I whispered to him making him tense. "Although, drunk bunny makes good company"

I got up, lending him a hand. Jules eagerly grabbed onto my hand. He winced slightly as he got up. A still rage bubbled in my stomach.

"I hate those things" I whispered to myself.

I lead him into the bathroom. The warm morning sunlight lay still asleep by the window. The spring breeze sauntered in as if it belonged there and tickled my skin. If I wanted to, I'd be able to host a small party in here. Mother liked it lavish. With pillars scattered across the room matching the rest of the home. The gold-framed mirrors crowded my walls like uninvited guests. The bathtub sat in the centre like a four legged Pegasus on the hard marble. It was excessive, but admittedly quite beautiful.

Jules seemed to think the same. 

"You like it?" I asked him as I walked to the Pegasus and started the water.

"I could live in here for years and still there would be no trace of me" His smiled. "It's gorgeous."

"You like Greek architecture?" I ensured.

"My mother was Greek. And she was fond of everything to do with it"

"Have you been?" I asked.

"No. She died before she could take me there"

"If you want, I could take you some day" I offered.

"Really?" He asked, his eyes lighting up at me.

"Anything for you" I told him honestly.

Once the tub water full of water and brimming with bubbles, I began pulling off my clothes. Leaving them scattered behind me. I pulled my hair into a puff on my head as I turned and looked at the boy as he sported a perverted yet awe filled gaze at my body. I laughed as a blush ran to his cheeks.

"Perv" I laughed.

"Sorry! I di-didn't mean to-"

"You're adorable" I giggled as I stepped into the water. The warmth soothing my skin.

"S-sorry" he quipped.

"You're not joining me?"

The boy blushed deeper as he tugged at his underwear and followed me in. Settling in the almost hot bubble bath. I grabbed a washcloth, inching closer to wash him. Soap that smelt of oranges and mangoes foamed on the cloth as I ran it over his skin. I started at his arms, then his legs, then his stomach, then his chest. Ignoring the depth of his breath, I moved down again, cleaning his mild erection too. He moaned, hardening in my hands. I was careful to avoid his wanton stare, knowing if I had I may have never finished.

"Turn." I instructed, my eyes flickering up to him with a smirk I tried to hide.

He did as he was told with little hesitation. Turning around and giving me room to wash his back, when I was done I washed his hair, running playful fingers into his locks that looked brown in the water.

Jules was eager to turn back around.

"Okay, now my turn!" He exclaimed happily. I gave him the washcloth, giving free rein to his curious hands.

"Don't wash my hair." I informed. He nodded attentively as he pulled closer to me and ran the cloth over my body.

He was restraining himself. That part was obvious, with his muscles tense and his breaths weighing down on him. Every so often a small groan would flee from his lips as if it were him being touched. Frustration was an old friend I never wanted the pleasure of knowing. So I gripped onto the boy's forearm, tugging him into my lips as I lead his hand down my skin, in the water.

"Calm down, sweets" I murmured against him. "Your injuries gotta heal first."

Jules groaned in annoyance. "I can take it, mommy." He told me as he leaned in closed to me.

"You can't take what I want to do to you, not now, not when you're hurt" I explained, feeling the boy hardening more. His eyes began to glaze as he stared down at my lips.

"I play football, I'm used to it." He whispered, trying to convince me further.

"But you become a whimpering bitch when I punish you, so no. Not until you're better"

"Punish me? You're punishing me?" His breath stilled.

"What you thought you were just off the hook?" I laughed "Oh baby boy, you're in for a shocker when you get better, I promise"

"Mommy-" He whimpered, a beautiful blush filled his cheeks. I reached out, caressing his face. The way he leaned into my touch was enough to make me forget I was living. He looked so heavenly, the way he innocently glanced into my eyes. The way the sun made his skin glow like fireflies at midnight. His lips burned are beautiful red, waiting for my lips to press themselves against them.

"You're so pretty when you blush" I whispered. "I'm so glad you're mine."

The boy jolted towards my lips, laying a warm kiss against them. His breathing was the fluttering evidence of his hunger. The feeling was heavenly, as he relinquished control to me without an ounce of hesitation. Oh, and this feeling was almost as heavenly as he was. I revelled in the way my light touches made him shiver. In the way he whimpered at my mercy. I deepened the kiss, trying my best to stop myself but my body was not as wilful as my mind.

The sharp shooting feeling of teeth made me wake up from my short-lived daze. Jules nipped at my lower lip. His eyes drifting slightly open as they overflowed with playful arousal. I found his new found confidence alluring.

"You're such a tease" I groaned lightly.

We finished up, getting out of water and shrouding ourselves in robes as we decided what to wear. Jules sat nervously on my bed, fiddling with his hands as he waited for me to get him something to wear. I made my way out of the dressing room with bundles of fresh clothes piled into my arms. I placed them onto the bed beside him. I gave Jules a pair of jeans and a sweater to wear.

"Something wrong?" I asked him as my hand reached up, cupping his face into my hands.

"Do you speak to your mom about me?" He asked nervously, unable to meet my gaze.

"We barely speak. Period. But she knows what I allow her to." I explained.

"And in the limited times in which you did mention me, how did she react?" He asked again.

"Are you nervous about meeting her?" I asked him.

"Mommy, answer the question" He pouted, his brows knitting together into a confused knot.

"She's excited to meet you, if that's what you want to know. She loves football too, so if anything she'll love you." I told him.

"So she doesn't mind the fact that I've been spending a lot of time here without her permission?" He asked me.

"Hey. Jules, calm down. I would've told you if she had issues with you being here. She doesn't hate you. She doesn't even know you so calm down, okay. We'll be okay, regardless." I lay a kiss on his forehead. Cradling his face in my palms.

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